That's Called Love

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     My dreams, and peaceful sleeping was rudely interrupted by loud knocking on my room door.

     "What?" I throw a pillow over my face.

      "Nick! Get up, Joe is eating all of my food!" It was Kevin yelling.

      "Okay. Five more minutes." I was slowly drifting back to sleep, when I remember last night. I look over to my side to see Miley gone. I sit up when the door comes open.

      "Nick. You need to get-" he pauses, and gives me a questioning look. Then he turns his attention to the floor. "What happen to my lamp?" He nodded towards the lamp Miley knocked over.

      I took a breath of relief. "Oh, I sleep walk."

     He raises an eyebrow at me. "Whatever. Get ready for school." He closes the room door.




     "Did that fill you up for today?" Dani asked Frankie as she took away his plate of pancakes.

     Frankie threw himself against the back of his chair. "I don't think I could eat for a week." He joked, and Dani laughed.

     "Good," Joe said. "Can I have the rest of his?"

      "Oh. Why not Joseph?" Kevin mugged him. "I mean, you already had Miley's, Dani's, and your own plate."

     Joe shoved more pancakes into his mouth. "I'm a growing boy."

    The stairs lightly pounced, as Nick ran down them. "Morning." He walked in the kitchen. "Any breakfast?"

     "No." Kevin said. "Sorry, Joe ate it all."

     "That's okay." He shrugged. "I wasn't hungry." He looked over at me. "We should get going. Don't wanna be late."

      We all grabbed our belongings, said goodbye to Dani and Kevin,  and headed to Nick's car. Joe and Frankie in the back, and me and Nick in the front.

     "So..." Nick whispers to me, when he see's Joe and Frankie talking. "When did you leave my room?"

      I checked the side mirrors, to make sure they weren't listening. "Last night." I answer him, without looking at him. Keeping my eyes on the window. "I didn't want to risk, someone finding us together."

     "Why would that be a bad thing?" I felt his eyes on me. "Us being together?"

     I check the mirrors again. "Because. Your family is going out their way to provide a home for me and my brother." I turn to him. "I can't mess that up."

   "Mess that up how? By being my girlfriend?" He spoke louder, than intend.

    "Girlfriend?" Joe and Frankie question in unison.

    "No." I turned to look at them. "No girlfriend. No nothing." I turn forwards.

    "But," Joe smirks. "Nick just said,"

    "No Joe!" I turn to him. "I'm not Nick's girlfriend. Just forget about it."

    "Whatever.." Joe sat back and gave up. I turned back around, and got a side glance at Nick. He kept his eyes ahead and avoided eye contact. I could tell he was upset.




     "So he didn't speak to you the whole day?" I ask Miley, as we walk into Mr. Shuester's class room.

      "Nope." She sat her bags down. "He's mad at me."

      "Wow." Selena said. "Well then, why don't you just be his girlfriend."

      "I can't." She waves to Shuester. "I mean, his family is so nice. I don't want them to think I'm trouble, you know?" She walks over to the piano, and Selena and I follow. "Like, I'm that kind of girl, that wants to take his money, or trying to ruin his life with and early pregnancy." Her eyes widen, and she looks at Selena. "No offense.

     Selena chuckled. "Non taken. And I get what you mean, you don't want to seem like a gold digger."

     "Yeah. Exactly." Miley points towards Selena.

     "Mi," I place my arm around her and pull her close. "I know love can sometimes, sometimes it can be scary. But you never know the true meaning until you open up your heart, and your eyes, and realize what's in front of you."

    She gave me a crazy look and turned to Selena. Selena gave me the same look then met eyes with Miley. Then the both stared to laugh.

    "I'm sorry," I say. "What's funny?"

     "Dem," Miley laughs. "You should really practice what you preach."

     I grimace. "What are you talking about?"

     "Let's just say," Miley threw an arm around me and pulled me close. "Love can sometimes be scary, but you never know the true meaning, until you open your heart," she and Selena giggled. "And eyes, and realize what's in front of you." Selena held up a photo of Joe infront of Miley and I, and she and Miley burst into laughter.

    "Oh. Ha-ha." I take the photo. "Real funny guys." I slip out of Miley's grip. "Let's go Selena. Your going to be late for your Doctors appointment."




     "I got it!" Frankie said, running ahead of me to open the door to Mr. Shue's. I told Miley I would pick him up from school since I had a car.

     We walked in, and saw Miley and Mr. Shue talking. Mr. Shue, broke his gaze with her, as we walked in the room. Then he looked back at Miley, and nodded. That kind of  gave me census they were talking about me.

     Miley stood up, and Frankie ran over to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. She turned around to hug him back, and I saw red, puffy eyes. She had been crying.

     I suddenly forgot all about the argument. I wasn't mad at her anymore. I just want her to be safe, I want her to be happy. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

    "I'm so sorry Mi." I whisper to her. "I don't want to fight with you."

     She chuckled and pulled away. "It's not that. And, you don't have to apologize for anything."

     "But I-"

     "I'm the one who over reacted. Truth is," She looked down,  "I just, I don't want to disappoint anyone."

     I lift her head up. "Who would you disappoint?"

     "Lots of people. Kevin, Dani, your Mom, your Dad, maybe even you."

     I scooped her face into my hands, and brought her lips up to mine. I place a soft, passionate kiss on her. Then pull away to look into her soft, blue sparkling eyes.

    "You could never disappoint me." I say to her. "And my family, they love you. Because I love you. And nothing will change that."

      She smiles at me. "You. Love me?" She ask.

      I haven't realize that I said it, but I did. I don't think I have every said I love you to a girl before. "Yeah." I grabbed her two hands. "I love you."

     For a moment she stood there staring at me. "I love you too." She said with a smile that would haunt my mind forever.

    "Eww." Frankie said, while across the room with Mr. Shue. "That's


    "That right there Frank The Tank, is called love." Mr. Shue said ruffling his hair.

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