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Ugh!.. I don't know where to start.

McKenzie Highschool Talent Show..

The word on the paper basically mocked me. How do I run a talent show? Who would even enter? This is such, a nightmare. I rubbed my temples. "Mr. Shuster?" I looked up at him, he looked up from his paper work. "I can't do this. Its so hard."

"You can handle it, Nicholas." He turned to his door, that now opened. Miley then popped her head in. Great just when I thought my day couldn't get any better. She walked in the classroom, with a little kid behind her.

"Hey, Mr. Shue." She said, to him. She turned to me, and gave me a look of disgust. I gave her one right back. Screw you too bitch... The little boy that walked in with Miley, walked over to Shuster with Miley. The Kid wrapped his arms around Shuster, for a tight, friendly,bro hug. We're they related? Was Shuster, their uncle? Or did he just enjoy close relationships with kids under his age. Mr. Shuster looked over at me. I sipped my jacket, all the way up, so my chest wasn't showing. He better not get any ideas... Miley and Shuster whispered, and often, they both turned to look at me. I knew they were talking about me. Then, a couple minutes later, the kid Miley walked in with, came over to the table I was sitting at and pulled up a chair next to me. Miley walked the opposite way towards the piano. She pulled out the blue songbook, I had earlier. She traced her hands over it, and threw another shady look my way. I looked, away. I didn't realize it until now, but I had been starring at her ever since, she walked in.

I looked at the little kid next to me. He had Pullen out his homework and began working. He had brown, almost curly yet, straight and wavy hair. Much like Miley's. I'm guessing he was an younger sibling. He looked up at me.

"Can you help me with this math question?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Sure. " I leaned over to look at his problem.

Kevin has roses for sale for $2.50 a rose. He must make a goal of $12.00 in total. So far, he has sold, 4 roses. How many more roses does Kevin need to sell to make his total, goal?

I ran my hands through my hair. I have no idea how to do this.."How old are you?"


"What grade are you in?"


Great. So now I can look like an idiot when I get this answer wrong.

"Okay." I grabbed my pencil and wrote down 2.50, then the number four. "So if one rose, equals 2.50, and he sold four. We should..multiply these." I set up the problem. "Okay so first we-"

"What are you doing?" a voice asked behind me. I turned to see Miley, looking down at me.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked her. Ignoring me, she walked around me to her brother and helped him with the problem. Then afterwards she told him not to talk to me. Then shot me yet again, another look. I just rolled my eyes at her. She went back over to the piano. I turned to the kid, and he smiled at me. I smiled back.

"My name is Frankie." He whispered.

"Nick." I whispered back to him. Not sure why, I really didn't care for anything Miley had to say. "I thought your sister said not to talk to me."

He shrugged. "I'm bored, I usually sit here by myself." He reached into his bag and pulled out, a candy bar. He ripped it in half, and handed me half. I jokingly wiped away a fake tear.

"You shouldn't have.." I whispered to him. He laughed at me. Despite the fact of being related to Miley, this kid was kinda cool.


I swear Frankie is going to hear from me, once we get home. I told him not to talk to that jerk. It's almost 2:30, I'm not going to let Nick Jonas, take away from my music playing. Mr.Shuster said I shouldn't let him get to me. And you know what, I'm not going to. I flipped through my songbook, to find my unfinished, song. As I reached for my blue smiley chain, because I usually gripped it before I sang, I remembered it wasn't there. Mr. Shuster couldn't find it. Ugh... Stupid Nick!

I hit two piano keys. I hummed to their tune, just a quick warm up. I played the intro keys..

"I stare at my reflection in the mirror, why am I doing this to myself? Losing my mind, over a tiny error, feels like I left the real me on the shelf.. yeah.. Dont lose who you are. In the blur of the stars. Seeing is deciveing. Dreaming is believing. Its okay not to be okay. Sometimes its hard. To find who you are. Tears don't mean your losing. Because everbody bruises. Just be true, to who you are..." I kept playing notes and keys even though I was out of lyrics. Why couldn't I finish this song? I don't know why, but I turned to look at Frankie and Nick. Frankie was still doing homework while, chewing candy. And Nick, was starring at me, again. I stopped playing the keys. I starred back at him. Waiting for him, to say some a joke, or something stupid to make me feel bad. But instead he, well he actually smiled. And it wasn't an evil or mean, smile. It warm and friendly. It almost made my stomach flutter. Oh hell no.. Time to go. I need to get away from him.

"Um, I think I'm going to go Mr. Shue." I turned to Mr. Shuster, who was starring at me and Nick both. I think he saw the smile Nick gave me. "I still haven't figured out, verse two yet." I closed my book and nervously tried to stuff eveything into my back pack. I looked at Nick again. He was still watching me. "What are you looking at?" I snapped at him. He turned away, finally. I grabbed my backpack, forgetting that I didn't sip it up, and everything inside fell out. Just What I Needed. I kneeled down to grabb some of my stuff, and threw it back in. I stood up again, Frankie was giving Shuster a goodbye hug. He was already packed.

"Bye Mr. Shue." I said walking towards the door. I avoided eye contact with Nick. "I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully you know who won't be here." I said as Frankie ran up to me.

"I heard that.." Nick said to me.


"Untill next time Franklin." Nick gave Frankie some weird hand gesture. Frankie gave him one back. They looked as if they know eachother for years. We walked out and I turned to Frankie.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"It's called swag.." He ran and chased after him.

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