Group Hug!

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     "Pregnant?.." I said, or at least I think I did. My mouth was so dry,and my throat was soar. Then I thought of something.

     "Wait! We haven't even have sex."

I said confused, the farthest both Selena and I have went was second base, but we never went all the way. She wanted to wait, well at least she said did.

      "Well.." She spoke slowly. "That's part of the the few things I wanted to tell you." She took a deep breath, Then looked up at me. "Remember when I went to vist my sister for the weekend in Vancouver, while she's in college, last year?" I nodded again. "Yeah, well I kinda met this guy, and ended up spending my whole weekend with him. Then when I came back to New Jersy, we kept in contact, through email, and stuff." She ran her hands through her hair. "I was going to tell you. I was, but I thought it was just a friendship thing, then I kinda fell in love with him." She paused, "Then when I went back to vist Vanessa, we hung out, again. And did stuff..."

       I nodded at her, to let her know I got the message. "Um.." I don't know what to say. I'm not really mad at her, just wanna know how's she holding up with everything.

"So... What did your Mom say?"

        "She was cool with it, well not actually cool. She did wanted me to wait until marriage and stuff, and she was upset, but at the end of the day. She's my Mom. And she was kinda way more excited then me."

        "That's cool." I said. "So what about the baby's father?"

        "Oh! Yeah, that's kinda the big thing I wanted to talk about, I'm moving."


        "Yeah. To Vancouver. My Mom wants to be close to Vanessa, and this way me and Justin can be together."

         "Justin?" I raised an eyebrow.

         "Oh, that's my boyfriend's name."

         I nodded again. "Have you told Demi?"

         "Yeah. She was the first person I told."

          I know how close Selena and Demi are. This must be killing Demi. I wonder how Joe is going to take it. Selena and I have only been dating for about a year, but we've been friends all our lives. Of course I'm going to miss her, and I'm really happy that this situation is working out so well for her.

        "So... You're not mad that I cheated on you?" She ask me.

         "Do you love him?"


         "Then I'm not mad. I'm going to miss you. Vancouver is really far. It won't be the same without you."

         "Yeah, I know. I'm going to miss you guys too."

         "You tell Joe yet?"


          I chuckled. "Good luck."




       "No!! Selena don't go!!" Joe threw his whole body at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and basically dragged me down.

       "Joe..." I tried to pull him off me.

       "I'm going with you....." He screamed. I laughed.

       "Come on Joe," Nick pulled him up by the collar. "Let her go."

       "But, I can't...." He sniffled.

       "You can't what?" Miley ask when her and Demi walked up to us.

"What's going on?" She looked at Joe who was on the floor, then at me struggling to get up, then at Nick holding Joe's collar.

       "Joe is attacking Selena." Nick said to them.

       "Oh. Why?"

       "Because she's moving!" Joe sniffled again.

       Miley eyes widen. "You're moving? Why?"

       "To raise my child with my boyfriend in Canada."

       Her jaw dropped. "You're child? You have a child?"

       I laughed. "No, not yet anyways." I pat my stomach. "But I am with child."

       "Oh.. And you're happy right?" She asked carefully, while studying me for a reaction.

       "Of course. I love Justin."

       "Well congratulations!" She and Demi both ran to me with a hug. Joe, who was still on my waist, looked up at Nick.

       "You might as well join the party Nick." He pulled Nick down. "Group Hug!" He screamed as we all collapsed on the grass.

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