Haven't Met You Yet...

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"Look, Mr. Shuster, I get." I slapped my hand. "Bad Nick. I won't ever throw anything again. Can I go home now?"

"No." He smirked at me. "But you are going to help me, with a project as part of your punishment."

"Yay..." I tried to make that as sarcastic as possible. "What do I have to do?"

"Well, it's almost the end of the year. And this school year wouldn't be complete without a talent show." He smiled at me.

No.... Please don't...

"Nick. I'm putting you in charge of the talent show." He smiled at me.

"No. Mr. Shuster, I don't know anything about running a talent show."

"All you have to do, is make flyers, cast nominees, a host, print tickets, and find judges."

"No. I'm not doing it." I said looking him dead in his eyes.

"Fine then. I guess no prom, or graduation, and I'll see you next year Jonas. As a super senior." He smiled his evil smile.

"What are you talking about?"

"See Nick, turns out that your failing, not only my class, but biology too. But Principal Brooks said, that if you were to help out with this talent show, it would go towards your grade as extra credit."

Fml. "Fine. I'll help with the talent show."


The air smells good over here. The lawn must be getting cut. I smiled at an elderly lady, as her and a small child held the door open for me, as we walked past eachother. Her exiting the classroom, me entering.

"Hello Miley." Mr. Hess, Frankie's teacher said to me, with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Hess." I turned to Frankie. "You ready to go?" I run my hands through his hair. He looked up at me with his beautiful, brown eyes that are always alive.

"Um, Yeah. I think so." He grabbed his backpack.

"Um, Miley? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr. Hess, called after me.

"Yeah sure." I gave Frankie a questioning look. He shrugged.

Mr. Hess chuckled. "He's not introuble." I walked over to Mr. Hess. He pulled out a single piece of paper. "We wrote essays in class today, about our favorite Super Heros. And Frankie here, wrote the most amazing essay an eight year old can write. And I wanted to get ethier you or your mothers permission to enter it in The New Jersy writing contest. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah. It's okay with me." He was right. I knew my brother had talent. Well he is my brother. Creative kid. He's loves to draw. He was really good at it too. We often joke around, and he says that one day when I'm a famous singer, that he's going to film all of music videos.

"Miley?" Mr. Hess snapped me back to reality.


"Did you hear what I said about the essay?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Thank you Mr.Hess." I took the copy of the essay, that he handed to me. "Come on Frankenstein." Frankie ran up to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What did Mr. Hess want?"

"He was just telling me of how you were a genius at writing." I ruffed his hair. "I didn't know you liked super heros."

"I don't..." Frankie never really been an Avengers, kinda kid. He watched cartoons, and wrestling, but never the Avengers...

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