Prom Night~ Joe' Big Move

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"It sucks, Selena isn't here." Demi pouted.

"Right?" I agree. Demi and I push through the crowd of people to make or way back to the boys.

"Finally, your back." Joe complains. "How long does it take to put on makeup?"

Demi playfully hits Joe across his chest. "Shut up. Time is

beauty." she flips her hair.

Joe smiles at her.

"I can't believe our high school days are over." Nick says.

"Yeah, me too." Demi frowns, "We graduate tomorrow, it seems like just yesterday Selena and I were chasing Joe around trying to steal his gold fish crackers. Now Selena's moving and having a baby, Miley's having a baby, and I'm-" she thought for a minute. "I'm doing nothing..."

"Do you want a baby too?" I joke.

"Speaking of baby's," Nick put his arm around my neck. "We can't stay out long." He kisses my forehead. "Mrs. Month and a half pregnant."

"Why not?" I whine, "No one can tell yet." I rub my dress down over my small stomach, that look as if I was just gaining a little weight.

"You still need rest BooBerry." He says. Pulling me away from Demi and Joe.

"But, I rested all day, today." I say.

"That wasn't enough."




"But, I rested all day, today." Miley whines back to Nick as Nick pulls her away.

"That wasn't enough." Nick playfully argues back.

I turn to Joe. "Those two are too cute." I smile.

"Yeah," he says.

It was quiet, and a little awkward, as minutes of silence passes between us.

"So, you wanna dance?" Joe broke the silence.

"Yeah," I say and grab Joe's extended hand. He leads me to the dance floor. He pulls me close to him, as he wraps his hands around my waist. I curl my hands around his neck, as we start to slowly sway.

"Dems," he says. "You know your my best friend right?"

I nod, "Yeah, I know."

"And I'm your best friend too?"

"Of course you are."

"And," I felt his hands on the back of my head. "I would never do anything to mess that up." He smiles at me. "I know how guarded you are, I know how you've been done wrong so many times before in the past. And I just want you to know; That you know me Dems, you know I would never try and do you wrong."

My heart began to beat. His words made my eyes water he spoke with so much meaning. I could tell by the way his face soften with every word, he meant it.

He pulls his hands away from my waist and grabs my hands. "I guess what I'm trying to say is," he took a deep breathe. His hands were sweating and twitching inside of mine.

"Joe, you can just say it." I assure him.

He smiles at me. "I love you Demi."

I look at him with shock. I dreamed of this day, but now that it's here; I have no idea, what to say.

His smiles fades, "You don't have to say it back. I mean, if you think I'm moving to fast-"

"I love you too." I spit out,ignoring all thoughts. "To be honest, I've been in love with you for a really long time." His eyes go from wide with shock, into a wide smile. "I guess, I was just always to afraid to tell you."

Joe grabs my chin, and pulls me up to his lips where he places a soft, amazing, passionate kiss on me. We pull away smiling at eachother, then I rest my head on his chest as we continue to to Maroon 5.

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