World War Three..

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   Please, don't rain. Please don't rain. Mud got on the side of my shoes as I walked to school. I had just dropped Frankie off to Mr. Hess, and I was on my way to first period.

    "Hi Miley." A quiet, unsure voice said behind me. I jumped, because I wasn't  expecting it. " Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." Demi giggled.

     "Um, yeah its okay." I turned to continue walking.

      "Hey Miley?" She called again.

      "Yeah?" I turned to face her.

      "Can I walk with you to school?"

      "Um, I don't know? Are you and your friends planning to kill me?"

       She laughed, even though I was dead serious. "I know I haven't been the nices person, but I promise you. That's not who I am." She smiled. "So can I walk with you?"

      "Alright, but in case you and Selena even think about trying something. I got Mase." She laughed again, and I couldn't help but laugh at her loud, funny, laugh.    




   "Holla." Joe came up behind me. I jumped at his loud voice. "Geez.. Commit any murders lately? Why so jumpy?"

    "I'm not jumpy." I tried to play it cool. But truth was, I was looking for Miley. I wonder if she knew I was the one who had the essay.

    "Hey wanna hear a joke?" Joe asked me while already laughing.

    "No. Not really."

    "Knock Knock." He ignored me.

    "Joe, knock knock jokes aren't funny."

    "Come on Nick!" He whined.

    I took a deep breath. "Fine.. Who's there?"


      "Demi?" I looked at him, but his eyes were confused as he looked over at Demi and Miley walking in to school, together. The walked in both laughing.

     "Why is Demi with her?" Joe asked me.

     "Umm, I. Don't. Know?" He looked at me. And then back at the two girls. He walked over to Demi and Miley, and I followed him.




    "Um, Hi?" Joe walked up to both me and Miley with a confused look. Nick came up behind him, and threw me an apologetic look. I could tell he hasn't told Joe yet.

    "Hey guys." I played it cool, like hanging with Miley was an everyday thing. Joe was really confused. Miley was giving both Joe and Nick shady looks. I could tell she still didn't

trust them.

    It took me a while for me, to earn her trust. As we walked to school, she kept giving  me looks and kept.a distance. She acted if I was going to pull a gun out on her. But then the ice broke, once I told her my secret, I wrote songs too. And my dream was to become a singer. She told me all about her piano session with Shuster.

     The more we talked, the more we found out we had a lot in common. Almost like we were best friends in another life.

    "So..." I said trying to break the silence. "You guys wanna come over to my place after school?"

   "Is she going to be there?" Joe said gesturing towards Miley, with a mean look. I gave him a look.

   "Yes. As a Matter of fact she will-"

    "No." Miley cut me off. "I can't."

     I turned to her. "What? Why?"

     "I can't hang out, not after school, or ever, anywhere.." She said looking down.

     Then I remembered her responsibilities. "You can bring Frankie to my house. I have a little sister his age, you guys can stay as long as you want to, so your not home alone."

     "Really?" She looked at me and smiled, then her smile faded, "How'd you know I have a little brother?"

     "Oh. Umm, Nick told me."

     She looked at Nick, then at me. "What did you mean, by 'not being home alone.' How do you know I'm home alone?" She asked, I could tell she was kinda upset.

    "Um," I raced through my mind for an answer. Should I lie? Will she be mad about the essay? "Um-"

    "I told her." Nick stepped in front of Joe, and next to me.

     Miley gave Nick a shady look. "How do you know that?"

     Nick looked at her speechless.

     "How do you know that Nick?" Miley's voice was rising.

      "Guys." Nick turned to both Me and Joe. "I need to talk to Miley alone." I nodded at both of them. And grabbed Joe's arm, and drugged him with me.

      "What the hell is going on?" Joe asked me.

      "I'll explain trust me."

      "Explain what? What's going on? Why is Nick with Miley?" Selena came up behind us.

      "Demi is now BFF's with Miley." Joe said in matter of fact way.

      Selena's jaw dropped, and her eyes widen. "What? How? When?"

      Please God, let them understand.

I took a deep breath before explaining everything...




   "Guys." Nick turned to both Demi and Joe. "I need to talk to Miley alone." Demi nodded at both of us, and grabbed Joe's arm and drugged him away with her as she left.

    Selena walked up to us, with confusing look. "Hey." She said to Nick, then turned to look at Joe and Demi walking away then to me. "What's going on?"

    "Um, Sel." Nick put his arm around Selena and led her towards Demi and Joe. "Demi will explain everything.." He let her go, then turned to me. "Hey." He smiled.

    "How did you know about-"

    "Your brother."

    "He told you?"

     "Well, not exactly.." He unzipped his backpack and pulled out some paper. "Read this." He handed it to me. It was Frankie's essay.

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