Bun in the Oven.

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    "Pregnant?" I narrow my eyes at her.

    She slowly nods.

    "How did that happen?"

    She crooked her head at me, and gave me a look.

    A smile spreads across my mouth. "I'm just kidding." I scoop her into my arms, and we spin together. "Oh God! We're having a baby?" I sit her down.

    "Shhh..." She pushes me and closes the door to my room. "I don't want Frankie and Dani to know yet. I want to tell everyone at the same time."

     "How are we going to do that?" I ask.

     I shrug, "I don't know, I haven't got that far. But we need to do it, before I start showing."

    I nod. "Okay, I'll think of something."




     "Hey Frankie. Feeling better?" I sat down on his bed.

     "Yeah, I guess." He turned away from me to face the wall.

     "That was really cool what you did for your sister at the Doctors today." I say to him.

      "Yeah, I guess." He shrugs.

       "Yeah," there was an awkward silence. "So, um when is your sisters birthday?"

      "Next month." He said blankly.

      "Oh. That is coming up quicker than expected." I rose up. "Thanks Frankie."


     "Are you sure your okay?" I ask him.

  "Yeah," he said blankly. "I guess."



Monday Morning


      "Hey Mr. Shuester," I walk into his classroom. "As you probably already know, Miley's birthday is next month."

     "Yes, I'm well aware." He shuffles through some papers.

     "Right," I nod. "Dani and I have this really cool idea, about a surprise party." He looks up at me. "And, Miley would really want you to be there." He went back to his papers.

      "Sorry. I can't make it." He said.

      "Mr. Shue, Miley really cares about you, and-"

       "Do you think I don't care about her?" He asked me.

        I felt kinda intimated. "N-no." I clatter.

       "Just because, I can't make it to a party I all of a sudden, don't care for her anymore?" He sneers at me.

      "No it's not that." I study him. "Do you not want to go because of me?" I ask him.

      His eyes grew hard. "And what do you have to do with anything?"

     "Your upset because, your no longer the only one she has now." He leaned back into his chair, and crossed his arms, he chuckles to himself. "If you want a kid so bad, why don't you and your wife have one?" He froze.

      After a while of silence, he drops his arms, and bury his head in his hands. He run his hands through his hair, then looked up at me. "Get out Nicholas."

     I just stared at him.

    "Get the hell out!" He yelled.

    I left.


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