Part 6: The truth always comes out!

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Tori Pov

I was currently sat in the movie room watching friends with benefits, i always spend my time in here now because I'm trying to keep my distance from Carter and Leon. I really didnt know what was going on with those two but all they ever do is fight and I m sick of I'm sick of it. I was thinking about Leon and Carter, I got to caught up in what i was thinking about that I didn't realise Jake was sat next to m he asks. I smiled at him and he says "Whats wrong T? You was so happy yesterday,"

I look at him and i say "I'm fine little man, I'm just tired,"

Jake climbed onto my lap and he gave me a cuddle, he says "I hope this makes you better,"

I hugged him back then he climbed of  my lap and walked out the room. I sigh then I turned the T.V off and I made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and noticed Hannah cooking dinner, she smiled at me and I smile back. I ask "Where is everyone?"

"Leon and Carter have gone to talk about stuff, Toby, Adrian and Matthew have took Jake out to get some ice cream," Hannah smiles

I nod slightly and she asks "What's wrong hunny, I know the boys ruined your birthday yesterday but you shouldn't let it upset you,"

"Hannah it's not that, it's the fact that lately they have been arguing alot, I just don't understand why" I sigh

Hannah sat down at the breakfast bar so I sat opposite her, she says "Baby girl it's because they both like you, it's weird for them to be like this but you must be different because they haven't fought over any girld before,"

I sat there taking it all in, I didn't know what to say. Hannah laughs slightly and I say "Hannah me and Carter are really close and I love him to be, I think I'm starting to like him but Leon he is more like a brother to me, I can't get with Carter if this is what it's going to be like because I don't want to come between the two brothers,"

"Babygirl go with your heart, don't worry about hurting someone, if i know my boys then either one will be able to move on and find a new girl," Hannah replied

Hannah gave me a hug then she finished cooking the tea, I made my way into the front room and put the telly on. I sat there for a few minutes then Carter walked into the room. I kept my eyes on the telly and Carter says "I'm sorry for ruining your birthday Tori,"

"Carter I don't care about that, what I care about is why you and Leon are arguing over me," i sigh

Carter looked at me shocked and he says "Because I am in love with you Tori, I can't help the way I feel but I do,"

I didnt know what to say, I moved closer to him and pulled him towards me and we both started to kiss. I pulled away slightly and i say "Carter, I'm not in love with you but I do like you, loads! Can we just take it slow and see where we go,"

Carter nods then he gave me another kiss and we curled up on the sofa to watch the film. I wonder what Leon will be like when he finds out. I hope he doesn't do something stupid.

Sorry I haven't updated in ages but I have been busy with work and my own problems! I am going to try and update as much as I can.

If any one has any ideas on what I should add into my story then please message me or leave a comment. Thank you

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