Part 25: Where am I?

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Tori POV

I woke up and my head was banging, I know I didn't go out last night. It must just be a migrane. I opened my eyes carefully and noticed it was dark. It looked like I wasn't at home. Where am I? And what is this place? I tried standing up but I couldn't get up from my bed, what is going on here? I heard voices, I looked around the room and noticed Stacey and this lad talking, I froze, Stacey must of took me from my back garden. What am I going to do? So many questions were running through my head. Stacey noticed me awake and she walked over to me. She says "Well Well Well your finally awake,"

"Stacey what do you want?" I wonder

"Isn't it obvious I want Carter back. Carter is my life and I love him more than anyone could," Stacey replied

"Stacey hes moved on why can't you just leave him be," I ask

Stacey slapped me around the face and said "He hasn't moved on, he still loves me and he will finally realise that,"

"What you going to do Stacey, shoot me, beat me up, or get your brother danny to rape me? Whatever you do, it won't bring Carter to you, he will just see how much you've hurt him," I say

Stacey stood there and shouted "SHUT UP! YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING!"

Stacey stormed out the room and her brother followed. Stacey knows I'm right but why is she doing all of this.

Carter POV

Last night was horrible, I couldn't sleep without Tori being here. Today we are going to find her and try and get her back. I was planning on going to Stacey's house and seeing if she was there but I know she wouldn't tell me where she is. My phone started ringing and it was a unknown caller, I answered it and I heard someone said "Your never going to find her?"

"Stacey.... Why are you doing this? Tori hasn't done anything, it's me you want not her," I reply

"You know why I'm doing this Carter because me and you are meant to be together, you know I love you so much and you ended up getting with that skank." Stacey sneered

"Stacey, Tori isn't a skank and you know that, your just hurting her because of me, tell me where you are or I will kill something precious to you," I say angrily

"And what would that be," Stacey laughed

"Your precious neice Amelia," I reply

It went silent on the phone and Stacey said angrily "If you hurt my neice I will kill you and all of your family! Dont you dare go near her!"

"Tell me where Tori is and I won't!" I say

The line went dead... Stacey must be getting scared now. Of course I'm not going to hurt Amelia, I would never do that but Tori needs saving. I really have to watch all of this family now.

Leon POV

I was currently in the garden seeing if I could find anything Stacey and her brother left when they took Tori and of course I had no luck. I miss Tori like crazy, she's my little sister and she made everyones day when we are all together. I bent down to look under the flowers and I felt something grab me, I couldn't move. What is going on?

Tori POV

I was lying here thinking of a way to escape, I think I'm in Stacey's basement because I am constantly hearing people upstairs. I heard the door open and in walked Stacey and her brother with someone else. They chucked the person on the other bed and walked out the room, I couldnt see who the person was because they had something on their face. I got off the bed and walked over to it. I took the bag of its head and it was Leon. I stood there frozen, they've got Leon. I shook his shoulder and he started to wake up, I say "Leon is that really you,"

"OMG Tori, whats happened?" Leon mumbles

"Stacey and Danny have locked us in this basement. How are we going to get out of here?" I ask

"Tori, Carter will find us even if its the last thing he does," Leon replies

He gave me a hug and then I heard the door open again, I quickly got back on my bed and Danny walked into the room, he said "Eat!"

He dropped our plates onto the floor and walked out the room. I sigh and I say "I really hope Carter comes soon,"

"Me too Tori, Me too," Leon replies

Thank you everyone who is reading this story. I'm trying to update as much as I can.

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