Not a part, but trying to finish this story better.

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Tori POV

Everything seems to be going well between me and Carter, I love being married to him. Theo is perfect, just the most amazing little boy any one could ask for.

Everything is so different now, since mum and dad died it has been a rollercoaster. With loads of ups and downs and now everything seems to be going right for me for once. Ever since seeing my auntie Jackie it has been playing on my mind why she was at the grave, she was never close to my dad. See my auntie Jackie, hated my mum and dad being together, and she always wanted my mum out of the picture. All I know is that years ago my mum and dad started dating, my auntie Jackie was close to my mum and they were like sisters, they done everything together but then one day my auntie Jackie turned against my mum, it was like she couldn't bare being in the same room as her, I think my mum and dad knew why but they never told me the rest of the story just that ever since my mum got pregnant with me things were different. In my opinion I think my auntie was just jealous of them but I don't understand why. Maybe one day I will find out but for now I wont know.

As for the rest of the family, Leon has got a fiancé called Emily and she is really nice, she is like a sister to me, we are always going shopping, hanging out with Theo and even going out for lunch dates. She is amazing and I am glad Leon has found someone like her.

Adrian well he is still single but he is focusing on his future and trying to raise his little girl Lilly on his own. Adrian was with someone called Ellie but she ended up dying just after giving birth to Lilly, there was loads of cautions with the pregnancy and if Ellie had Lilly it was a risk of her dying and that's what happened. Adrian took it hard because he was really in love with Ellie but then his world came crashing down. Adrian is a great dad, he adores Lilly and she is the most perfect little girl you could meet.

Matthew is still being Matthew, he's had a few girlfriends and I really hope one day he will settle down with someone and be happy. Matthew is always out and looking which is strange for him because usually he likes to just sit in his room and listen to music or just read but something has changed and I don't understand what. Matthew is thinking about starting his own business and being his own boss, which would probably work for him seeing as his family is rich anyway.

Toby has started high school and it is weird to think he is going on to be a good achiever, Toby is still the cheeky brother who is always playing pranks and winding up his brothers but he is such a good uncle, he is always helping out with Theo and Lilly and he is always looking after them in they are in the play pen together. Toby is changing for the better and he is becoming the perfect young gentlemen that one day someone would love.

Jake, well Jake is still the most gorgeous little boy I know, Jake is always happy and he just loves to have fun. There is not much I can say about Jake because nothing has changed, he is always helpful and he will one day probably start breaking girls hearts because he is the most caring, kind, handsome little boy anyone could ask for.

Tom and Hannah recently done there wedding vows again and it was beautiful, since mum and dad died they have always been there for me and they have took me on to be one of there's. Tom is still a doctor and Hannah is still a doctor but on the side she is also running her business as a cake decorator and designer. She absolutely loves her job and I know Tom and Hannah will always be together.

Well everyone has there own life now and I hope one day they will all be as happy as me and Carter and Tom and Hannah.

As for Andy, he ended up in prison for 20 years but the guards found him dead in his cell. To this day we still don't know what happened to him in prison and honestly I don't really care. 

Stacey is still around, I don't really see her anymore. It's like she's just vanished. Obviously she hasn't because the guys see her occasionally when they're shopping but that's about it. 

Stacey's brother Danny is in prison. The cops found him standing over a body that he had murdered. He was sentenced to life in prison so as far as I know he's still there. 

Thank you for reading my story, if you have any comments write them down and I will get back to you all as soon as possible. Thank you soo much.

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