Part 14: Tori's and Carters date

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Tori POV

Today is mine and Carters date and to be honest I am really nervous I know me and Carter are together but this is different, were gonna be alone together where ever he is taking me. I was up in my room looking through my wardrobe on what to wear, there was a knock at the door so I shout "Come in!"

Hannah walked in my room with a massive smile on her face, she says "Hey baby girl, Carter sent me up here with this, try it on but don't be long you have twenty minutes to get ready,"

She walked out the room grinning, I eyed the object suspiciously and I unzipped the front, it was a gorgeous maxi dress, it had green at the bottom with white at the top. I smiled to myself then I quickly put it on. I topped up my make up and hair then I put my shoes on and sprayed my perfume then made my way downstairs. I walked down the stairs slowly and I could hear all the boys down stairs shouting and arguing, I rolled my eyes and I entered the living room where they were, I say "Whats with all the shouting?"

They all turned their heads and looked at me stunned, Matthew says "Wow you look gorgeous,"

I smile at him and I ask "Wheres Carter?"

"He's outside," Adrian grins

I laugh at them then I walked outside, Carter was stood there with a bunch of roses and he was wearing Jeans and a tight black top to show off his abs and he was stood by his car, I grins at me and he says "You look beautiful,"

"Thanks babe," I smile "Not to bad yourself,"

He rolled his eyes then he gave me the roses and a kiss then we got into his car. We pulled away from the house and I was trying everything to find out where we was going but he wouldn't tell me. About 45 minutes later Carter grins "were here!"

I look around and I looked soo confused, Carter laughs and he got out the car, he helped me out and before I could say anything he says "just follow me and don't ask any questions,"

I nod slightly then I started getting very suspicious about where he is taking me. Carter interlocked his fingers with mine then we started walking to where ever he was taking me. Carter stopped and I looked up and noticed a beautiful garden with a picnic basket and blanket on the floor. I gasp and I say "You did all this for me?"

"Of course, I wanted it to be something romantic but special," Carter grins

I smile then I gave him a kiss and we went and sat down, Carter made me a drink then we started talking about everything and anything. I led down on the blanket with my head on Carters chest. The date went perfectly, it started getting late then we packed everything up and put it in the car then we jumped in and Carter drove us home. Today has to be one of the best days ever. We got back to the house and I say "Thanks for today, it's been perfect,"

"My pleasure," Carter winks

I rolled my eyes then Carter leant in and he gave me a kiss, I smiled at him then I walked in side and made my way upto my room. I really hope nothing will change!!

Will everything be smooth sailing with Carter and Tori?

Will Andy show up again?

So many questions need to be answered but just wait and see what will happen ;)

Thank you everyone who is reading. I'm sorry this part was later than the rest but I've had some personal issues to deal with. Thank you for waiting patiently for it.

Hopefully the next part will be up today, if not hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday.

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