Part 21: Back home!

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Tori POV

Its been a week since me and Carter got back together and today we are travelling back home. Now I understand that they are my family now and to be honest I wouldn't change it for the world. Carter and me are alot closer than before and hopefully nothing will change that. I was currently packing my bag when I felt someone's arms snake around me, I turn my head and Carter rests his head on my shoulder, he asks "You ready to go back home?"

I nod and then I sigh, about 2 days ago I put this house on the market, whatever this house makes the estate agents will let me know and then they will send the money to me. I walked downstairs and the lads were all waiting for me, I smile at them and then I say "Come on lets go home,"

We walk out the front door and got into the taxi, I rest my head on Carter's  shoulder and we were on our way, Adrian asks "T can I ask you something?"

"Sure Adrian whats up?" I wonder

"Well I have my exams coming up soon, and I'm really struggling with my maths and english, would you be able to help me please?" Adrian asks

"Of course I can, lets start next week ok, I just need time to relax and rest this week," I answer

Adrian grinned and then we all went into a peaceful silence. The taxi came to a stop and we all got out of the car, we made our way to our jet and we were off home.

*2 hours later*

We've just arrived home and everyone was chilling out on the sofa's. Tom and Hannah took Jake and Toby to the fair so we all decided to stay at home, I head my head on Carter's lap and he was stroking my hair which was making me go to sleep. As I started drifting off to sleep, I heard Matthew say "Carter we have a problem,"

Before I could open my eyes to see what was going on, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Carter POV

Why me? Why now? I've just started getting my life back on track and Stacey goes and does this. Stacey knows Tori means so much to me. Basically after I told Stacey to leave me alone, she went straight to her brother and told him that I've broke her heart and all this rubbish, I've known her brother for 10 years and he is not the type to let anything go when it comes to his sister. Danny is a drug dealer and a murderer. I've seen his beat up people, shoot them and hurt people. I know I should report it but I couldn't and if I do, I will be dead. Matthrew looks and me and I carefully put Tori on the sofa and then us boys walk out the room. We went into the garden and Adrian asks "What are we going to do bro, we can't let Danny do anything to Tori?"

"I know and were not going too, we will all just have to watch Tori and someone has to be with her at all times." I reply "And by the way boys, dont get involved, it's my problem, not yours,"

They went to say something but I just walked off, I could hear someone following me and I turned around and noticed it was Leon, I say "Just leave it Leon,"

"No Carter, you are my brother and I'm here right by your side, Tori means so much to me and you know that so lets deal with this together ok," Leon replied

I nod then we went into my room and tried to figure out what we could do and try and protect Tori.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy it!!

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