Part 18: The holiday

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Tori POV
Today is the day we travel to my hometown, in a way I'm excited to go back but I'm not because of the people I know back there, since moving here I've changed and I'm not my party self anymore. I finished packing my suitcase and Carter picked it up and took it downstairs. I said by to Everyone then we made our way to the airport, I was sat in front with Leon and Carter, Adrian and Matthew was sat in back. we arrived at the airport and we was allowed to go straight on to the plane, I look at the boys and they all had smiles plastered on their faces, we was getting on to their private plane!! I squealed with excitement then I sat down and took out my song book. I know I haven't mentioned it before but I love writing songs, it keeps me sane, I got my pen out of my bag and put a few lyrics down on the paper. Carter sat next to me and asked "what you doing??"
I shut my book and said "just writing"
Carter smiles slightly and we sat in a good silence. About 2 hours into the journey and we finally arrived in LA. I got my stuff of the plane and we all got into a taxi to my home. On the way, I had loads of memories reappearing and I began to fall silent. Memories of my mum and dad came back to me, and of my friends and family here.
20 minutes later we arrived at my old house, no one is living in it, Luckily I had my keys still to get in, I unlocked the door and walked inside. Everyone was silent, I looked around the house and everything was left in the same way, I smiled to myself. I looked at the lads and I said "boys, there's 2 rooms upstairs, I'll have my mum and dads room and the rest of you can have my old room, I get some blankets and stuff for you later,"
They nod and they took there stuff upstairs, I went into the front room and put the telly on. I sat down an the boys came into the room, Leon sat by me and he said "everything ok T?"
"yeah just thinking about mum and dad," I reply
"they'll be proud of you T, you've became a gorgeous young women who cares about others and not just herself anymore, you should be happy," Adrian said
"thanks Adrian, you guys are amazing, your all like family to me, some more than others, but I love you all to pieces," I grin
They all smiled and I gave them all a hug, I ask "anyone hungry, we could go to my favourite cafe"
The boys grinned then we left the house, I locked up and we walked to my cafe.
I hope things will be ok?

sorry this part is pretty boring but the next part should be better! thank you for reading it means a lot <3

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