Part 27: Distant...

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Tori POV

I have been out the hospital for a week now and everything has changed. My life has turned upside down and I don't know how I can get it back. Carter has been distant with me, Leon won't hardly talk to me, the rest of the boys are always out and no one is here with me anymore. It's like they've completely forgot I exsist. I am now in a wheel chair and I go back to hospital for a weekly physio session to try and help me walk again. At first I wasn't too keen on the idea but now I need it, hopefully it will help me. I know I got shot in the spine but the doctor said I have a 50/50 chance to walk again so I'm just going by that.

I was currently in the front room watching telly when I heard the door go. In walked Jake and Toby. Jake sat on my lap and he said "T you look sad,"

"I am abit little man," I sigh "It feels like everyone has forgot about me,"

"T they haven't," Toby said

I sigh and I say "I need fresh air,"

Jake climbed off my lap and I wheeled myself outside. I sat by the pool and I just breathed in and out slowly to try and calm myself down.

When I was younger I suffered from panic attacks, you wouldn't think that because I was such a party girl but before all that I was a shy person who hardly spoke to anyone and use to have people say stuff about me. Then I changed and I became someone I didn't like, I was constantly partying, ignoring my parents and being a troubled teen.

I turned round and went to head inside, I look up and Carter was stood there, he said "Come with me,"

He smiled at me and my heart just melted, he hasn't smiled at me for a long time, well it feels like a long time. I followed him and he took me into the kitchen, the lights were dimmed and there were plates on the table with different foods and a drink for both of us. I say "What is all this?"

"Baby, I've been such a jerk, I love you so much and recently I know I've been distant but I think its because I didn't know what to say, I blamed myself for what happend but I never thought about how you could be feeling, so please forgive me," Carter says

"Carter, I never blamed you, I was hurt because you've all ignored me and I felt like I was on my own. Of course I forgive you," I reply

"Your not on your own any more baby, I promise," Carter grinned

I smiled then he leant down and gave me a kiss. I sit at the table and I say "Carter this past week I have struggled loads and I know I'm going to struggle the next few months but I really hope you will be by my side,"

"Of course I will be,"Carter says

He leaned over and interlocked his fingers with mine then we started to eat our food. I will have to find the rest of them and talk to them when I get the time too.

Sorry this part isn't that long :) its coming to an end of this story soon. But I will write a new story so if you love this story then hopefully you'll love my next one. Thank you

DEDICATED TO subaru443366


Thank you for reading :)

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