Part 16: Never letting you go

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I'm sorry to all my readers that I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy! I haven't had a laptop and every time I have a chance to write, I end up doing something else so I'm really sorry.

Let me know what you think of this chapter and what I could do next?

Tori POV

It's been 3 months since me and Carter split up and to be honest I really miss him but he hurt me and I don't know what to do. I was on my way downstairs to go out for food with everyone. I made my way to Leon's side and we all headed out the door. Me and Leon have became a lot closer but I don't see him in any way apart from a brother. Carter was behind us and I could hear him mumbling stuff to himself but I kept know notice. I sat next to Leon and we were talking about going on holiday and visiting my mum and dad's grave. Adrian asks "Can I come on holiday with you please Tori?"

I look at him and I smiled, I say "Your all welcome to come, we will just stay in my old house for the time,"

Adrian grinned and Leon asks "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am," I smile "There dead and there's nothing I can do but there still my parents and I want to visit them,"

Leon grinned then we turned up at Pizza express, we all got out the car and made our way inside. I felt someone grab my arm, I turn around and it was Carter, I sigh and he said "Tori are you sure you want us all to come?"

"Carter even though were not together anymore, I still miss you and I want you to come, the younger ones wont be able to but you Matthew Adrian and Leon can come," I reply

Carter looked at me and he said "You miss me?"

"Carter of course I do, I started to really fall for you but then you did what you did, I'm not going to just stop liking you," I answer

Carter looked at me and he said " we should go inside but we can talk later,"

I nod and then we made our way inside. We walked inside and sat at our table, Leon said "Tori what do you want?"
"I will have strawberry milkshake with curly fries and a burger please?" I reply
Leon nods then he went up and ordered mine and his meal whilst everyone else done the same. Carter sat back down and sat next to me. I slyly look at him and he noticed so he smiled, I smiled back and he said "T what has happened to us?"
"Carter you know what happened, how could you do that knowing how much you meant to me?" I ask
"I'm sorry T you know you mean everything to me, it was a really silly mistake, I got absolutely drunk and I think someone must of spiked my drink because I can't remember anything that happened, I only remember waking up to Stacey led by me," Carter sighed
"So you don't know if you slept with her or not?" I ask
"No I don't" Carter replied
"Then Carter You don't know what happened, you need to find out before anything happens between us again?" I say
The group came back over and I stayed quiet. How am I meant to trust Carter of he don't even know what happened? Hopefully he would sort it out before I loose him for good!!

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