Part 4: Carter being Carter

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Carter POV:

Ever since Tori has moved in with us, you can see a change in all the guys who live here. Don't get me wrong Tori is amazing, she's beautiful, caring, and such a party animal which I never knew until I went on her facebook page. Tori is every guy's dreams and I really want her to be mine, but I know that will never happened because Leon called dibs on her and I can't get in the way of whatever is going on with those two. I saw Leon and Tori get in the car and they drove off. I sigh and I leaned back on the sofa, I noticed my mum walk in the room and she asks "Carter what's going on? Ever since Tori moved in with us you've changed and not your normal self,"

"I don't know mum, I guess I just got alot on my mind," I sigh

"Does it have anything to do with Tori? Because son I've seen the way you look at her," Mum replies

I look at her wide eyes and I snap "Mum it has nothing to do with her, will you just drop it please!"

I stood up and stormed out the room. I went upto my room and just stayed there. About an hour later I heard a car pull up on the drive, I looked out my window and saw Tori and Leon getting out the car laughing. I roll my eyes then I made my way downstairs, they walked through the door and I pushed straight passed Leon knocking him in the shoulder. I grabbed my car keys and I went to storm out when Tori says "Everything ok Carter?"

"Everything's great," I snap

I walk past her then I slammed the door and got in my car then drove off. I know I shouldn't of spoke to her like that but I guess because I can't have her I'm gonna have to move on and find someone who I know will have me even if I don't want them. 

Tori POV:

I really don't know what has gotten into Carter, one minute he's fine with me, the next he's snapping at me and storming out. I really don't know what his problem is. I walked into the kitchen with Leon and sat down on the stool whilst Leon got us a drink, I ask "So is Carter always like that?"

"Like what?" Leon smiles

I rolled my eyes and Leon says "Only with someone he likes, Carter just needs to learn that he can't get everything he wants, thats all,"

I look at Leon wide eyed but i never said anything. I grabbed my drink then headed up to my bedroom. Today has been stressful and to top it off, I just found out Carter likes me!

Sorry guys for not posting in ages!!! I've been soo busy with work and setting up my own business that I completely forgot about this story, Luckily I'm back for a little while now, and I hope you are still reading it. Hope you forgive me and like this part!!!

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