Part 23: Being watched

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Tori POV

There comes a time when I thought everything was going right with my life, thats what I thought anyway. These past 2 weeks, I've had the boys following me around, they won't go out, if I need to go out they come with me, it feels like I'm being sufforcated. Don't get me wrong I love being with the boys but sometimes it gets boring with just them being with me all the time.

I was sitting outside in the garden, finally getting some peace and quiet when Carter walked out with Jake on his back. I sigh and I went to walk inside and Carter said "Where you going, I thought we could spend some time with Jake in the garden,"

"Look Carter, I love spending time with you and the boys but I need my own space too, I'm popping to the shop," I reply

"No!" Carter says

I look at him and I snap "What's going on Carter! I'm not allowed to leave the house without one of you lot, I can't go to sleep unless your there, I'm not allowed to make phone calls unless its to one one you boys, I think I have a right to know,"

I could see all the boys behind me looking at Carter, Carter went quiet and Adrian said "Tori, come with us, we should sit down and talk to you,"

I followed the boys inside and Carter told Jake and Toby to go into their play room. I sat down on the sofa and said "So you going to tell me whats going on?"

The boys looked at me and Matthew said "Tori you know we love you and we would do anything to protect you,"

"Matthew your scaring me," I reply

"Tori we need to protect you, Stacey is after you and if we don't protect you she will get you," Carter said

"What...Why?" I say shocked

"I told Stacey I didn't want anything to do with her, Stacey is into the drug game so is her brother Danny, they threatened us and said that they will kill you its just a matter of time," Adrian said "We are doing all we can to find them before they find you, so please promise us you will always be with one of us and you won't leave our side,"

I nod and then Leon said "Guys I have something to tell you,"

We all look at him and he said "Stacey texted me the other day, she said if I dont do as she says she will kill me and Tori and if I tell any of you she will kill me,"

"Leon why didn't you tell us?" Adrian asks

"Because I didn't want you to worry," Leon mumbles

I walked over to Leon and I pulled him into a hug, I suggest "Why don't we all stay in the film room tonight? That way we are all together and nothing will happen,"

They nod then we walked upstairs and went into our rooms to get the stuff we need. Ever since the boys told me about what was going on I had a bad feeling in my gut and it felt like someone was watching me out of my window. It was dark, I looked outside and saw a figure stood looking into my room, I screamed and the guys came running in my room, I turned back around and the figure was gone, Carter said "What happened?"

"There was a figure in my window looking in," I cried

Carter had a look and nothing was there, Matthew pulled me into him and I started to cry. We walked out my room and went into the film room. We put a movie on and everyone started to settle down. I cuddled into Carters side and then I started to fall asleep.

When will this nightmare end?

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