Part 28: Happiness

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Tori POV

So its been three years and everything has gone perfectly. I am walking now which is a huge relief, I thought it wouldn't be possible but I achieved it. Sometimes I would have to use my crutches but that's only if my legs are playing up. Me and Carter are still together and we have our own place, Carter has a job now, he is his own boss and he brings a pretty good wage in every month.
I was currently in the front room listening to the music channels. I was rubbing my belly whilst smiling... yeah before I forget I'm 8 months pregnant and I couldn't be any miserable. There was a knock at the front door so I got up and I went to answer it. I answered the door and it was Leon with Jake and Toby. I smiled at them and I let them in. We started to talk and Leon said "how's the pregnancy going T?"
"I'm mister able all the time, I'm fat and I can't wait till he gets here," I laugh
Leon laughs then I started feeling pains in my stomach, it got quicker and I say "Leon get me to the hospital now! I'm in labour!"
Leon rushed around got the kids in the car and Leon rushed me to the hospital. We got to the hospital and Leon phoned Carter.

2 hours later I finally gave birth to Theo Tom Johnson. Carter was cradling Theo in his arms and all the family turned up! Today I really wish mum and dad were here to see what I have achieved.
Everything was perfect and I wouldn't have it any other way.

thank you for reading! I know this isn't much but I couldn't think of anything else. That's the last part and I'll start writing a new story soon. <3

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