Part 13: 1 month later

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Tori POV

Its been a month since everything happened, I am still having nightmares but I am seeing a support worker who is helping me alot. I am doing much better. As for Carter hes still playing football and everything is ok with him. We are still together but sometimes it feels like something has changed between us. I don't know what it is. Today I was meeting up with my friend Sasha, I needed a girlie day, sometimes I do get days where I dont want to go out and do anything because I'm scared of what happened but I need to move on and get my life back to normal. I left the house and made sure I had my phone on me. I texted Sasha saying I was on my way. I was meeting her at the ice cream shop.

I made my way into the ice cream shop and saw Sasha sat at one of the bays, I walked over to her and gave her a hug then we sat down. I ordered chocolate chip ice cream and a coke then I started talking to Sasha, she asks "So how you been?"

"After everything that happened, I guess I'm slowly getting there. I'm just worried about mine and Carter's relationship, since he got shot and me being kept hostage its like something has changed between us and I really dont know what it is,"

"Maybe he's just got alot on his mind and he doesn't know what to say around you just incase something brings back memories," Sasha says

I shrugg my shoulders and I say "I dunno hun, it's like we don't do anything any more and I'm scared I'm going to lose him,"

"You wont lose him honestly, he loves you, everyone knows that," Sasha smiles
"it really doesn't feel that way Sash" I sigh
Sasha gave me a hug then i said I had to go, I made my way to the house and I opened the door, I looked in the front room but no one was there then I checked the kitchen, still I couldn't find anyone, maybe they are all still out. I went up to my room an put my music on, I wonder what was going on with Carter Cuz he's been weird and I don't know what's wrong. A while later I heard voices outside my room, I opened the door and Leon and Carter was stood there laughing and joking until they saw me, I snap "what is your guys problem! Carter since everything happened you've hardly spoke to me! I don't know what I've done wrong but you need to stop treating me like shit and start treating me like a human being!!"
I slammed my bedroom door and flopped on my bed, what is going on with him!
a few seconds later there was a knock at my door, I didn't bother answering Cuz I knew who it was, Carter sat on my bed and he says "I'm sorry babe, I just didn't know how to react around you Cuz of everything that happened"
"Carter I don't want anything to change, I'm fine, more than fine to be honest, these last few weeks I have felt like I have done something wrong when I know I haven't."
" I'm sorry baby, let me make it up to you ok, we'll go on a date tomorrow and spend some quality time together ok," Carter grins
I nod my head and Carter gave me a hug, he put a film on and we cuddled up on my bed! I just hope this date goes well.

thank you all for reading :)

Living with 6 Hot BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora