Part 22: Protecting Tori!

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Leon POV

Today we are all getting ready to go swimming and spend some time with Toby and Jake. Tori was upstairs doing god knows what and the rest of us was in the front room waiting around. These last few days everyone has been walking on edge and doing everything they can to protect Tori. We honestly don't want anything to happen to her and if any thing did, we wouldn't be able to forgive ourselves. Finally we heard Tori coming down the stairs so we walked out the door and took 2 seperate cars, Tori, Carter and Adrian and Matthrew went in Carter's car and I took Jake and Toby in my car. We headed for the swimming baths and my phone started to ring, I quickly answered it but it was a text, we arrived at the pool and we all got out the cars. I decided to look at the text...It was Stacey!!

Stacey - If you dont do as I say, Tori is going to be DEAD! If you tell anyone about this I will find out and kill you too!

I stood there frozen, what am I going to do. I answered the text.

Me - Stacey...What do you want me to do?

I put my phone back into my pocket and I walked over to everyone. What am I going to do? I can't tell them because Stacey will kill me and Tori but then I can't lie to them either.

Carter POV

Since turning up for swimming Leon has been very quiet, everyone has tried talking to him but he dont want to know. Tori walked out with just a bikini on and she looked amazing, I looked her over and I noticed a scar on her belly, she noticed me looking and I ask "How did you get that?"

"I was a party girl Carter, I got in with all sorts of people, don't worry about it," Tori replied.

I raise my eyebrows but Tori jumped into the water with Jake and Toby following, Tori was amazing with them! I love seeing her with those two.

I jumped into the water and started playing with them all. This is what life should be like, not with people after us, especially Stacey and her brother Danny.

Tori POV

Something is going on with the boys and I am trying to figure out what. It's unlike them all to be secretive towards me but I guess I'm just going to have to trust them. I started to play with Toby and Jake and I felt two hands snake around my waist, I turned my head and Carter was behind me, I smile at him and he kissed my cheek then I decided to splash him. I giggled then I ran beind Leon and eventually Leon joined in so we all ended up having a splash war. That has honestly been the happiest I've been in ages.

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