The Reason I Smile

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Katniss p.o.v

After everyone is properly introduced we all decide to hang out at our house. Ruby and Harry just catch up on everything and when ruby tells him that she has been an orphan her whole life. Well since her parents died he just hugs her and cries. They already have such a strong bond with each other. It's so cute. But seeing them together does make me upset about prim. I just miss her so much. I look up and see both of them sitting with their backs against the couch. He has his arm around her shoulder and they are laughimg. I start to tear up but try and keep them in. "Be back in a minute" I say and stand up leaving the room. I run up to me and Peetas bedroom and lay on the bed. The tears are now streaming down my face. This is the first time I've cried in a while. I just miss her so much and I can't believe I didn't save them. I hear my bedroom door open and then close and soon I am wrapped up in peetas arms. I cuddle in closer and he strokes my hair. "Everyone's pretty worried" he says. I just cry harder. "I just miss her so much peeta" I say and he nods while kissing my forehead. "I know and I'm sorry that it happened" he tells me. I look up at him and stare into his eyes that are filled with worry. "I'm sorry. I must be like the worst girlfriend ever" I say and kiss him. "You are the best girlfriend ever. I want to help you through all of this"he says. I smile up at him and kiss him. "Let's get you cleaned up and then we can go back down" he says and I nod. He carries me to the bathroom and wipes away the mascara marks. "Beautiful" he mumbles when he's done and I smile. I take his hand and we walk downstairs together. We are halfway down when he lifts me up and walks the rest of the way. I'm being carried bridal style downstairs. When we get to the bottom I notice that Harry is gone but Casper is still here. "Where's Harry?" I ask nobody in particular. "His girlfriend tracked him down and came to your house so he is asking her to leave" Casper says slightly annoyed. "Is she a werewolf?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No but she is crazy and tracked him down by her phone" he says and I laugh slightly. "If she's that bad why is he still going out with her?" Ruby asks Casper. "As I said she is crazy. He has been trying to do it for months but she just keeps coming back" he says. Suddenly there is a loud smash followed by shouting. I run out to see what happened and Harry is on the floor with glass sticking out his stomach and blood pouring out. "We are over!" A crazy looking redhead says and runs away. We are all wide eyed and Harry groans. "Oh my gosh" ruby says and bends down. She draws a fish on the air over his wound and soon the glass disappears and so does the blood. "She's crazy" he says and we all agree. "I hope I never have to see that again" he says and we laugh slightly. He stands up and we all head into the living room. When we get there we just talk and since there was a crazy girl who tried to kill Harry , nobody asked about me. Not that I want them to because I don't want to talk about it right now.

After about an hour Harry and Casper leave but promise to take us around London tomorrow. We all agree and then decide to go to Nandos for dinner. We all go to our rooms to get ready and we will leave in an hour. I get in a shower and wash my hair. When I get out i head towards my suitcase and pick out clothes. Since I can't be bothered with anything fancy I just pick out jeans and a jumper since it's cold in London. My jeans are dark and have rips in them and my jumper is black and it only goes on one shoulder and says teenage dirtbag on it. I put black converse on and chuck my hair up in a messy bun. I put on some natural makeup before adding some perfume and heading out to get Peeta. When I get onto the room peeta is already dressed. He is wearing jeans and a red t-shirt with red converse. I give him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "You ready?" He asks and I nod while taking his hand. We both walk down to get the others who are all waiting by the front door. I smile and then we all head out. "Okay it says that there is a Nandos just down the street" Johanna says and we all decide to walk even though Johanna protested. We all walk down the street laughing and talking when a young girl walks up to me and I stop walking. "Hi" I say and she smiles. "Hello"she says. "Have you seen my mummy?" She asks. "She is tall and has brown hair. She is wearing a blue dress" she says and I look around. I spot her across the street and shout on the woman. She turns around with a worries look on her face. She comes over and takes the little girl. "Thank you so much I was so worried" she says as she hugs the little girl. "Thank you " the little girl says before her mom takes her hand and walks away.

Clove p.o.v

We are walking to Nandos and Cato has my hand in his. We soo arrive at Nandos and we head to the waitress. "Would you like a table?" She asks. "No we would like a carpet" Cato murmurs and I laugh. "Yes please a table for 20" I say. "Is it okay if we give you two tables?" She asks and I nod. "This way" she says and leads us to two tables near the back of the restaurant. We all sit down with me, Cato , Katniss , Peeta , Alex, Ashton , ruby , lukas , Cameron and Kayden at one and Annie , Finnick , Johanna , gale , thresh , finch , Cassie , marvel , jade and Tyler at the other. We all order our food and then just talk again. "Clove" I hear Cato say in my head. "Cato" I send back. "Can I take you somewhere after this?" He asks. "Of course" I send back and then he grabs my hand under the table. Our food comes quickly and we all eat. I ordered the burger and chips while Cato got a wrap. We all eat and then pay the bill before everyone heads home. Well, everyone except me and Cato. He puts an arm around my waist and leads me to an unknown destination. We just walk in a comfortable silence until we stop outside the London eye. I gasp at the beautiful sight it's all lit up and the sun is setting. "Let's go" he says and grabs my hand. We wait in line and then Cato pays for two tickets. I thank him and then we see put into a one of the little glass things. We stand at the edge and then it starts moving. Cato rests a hand on my back and I smile at the view. It's beautiful watching the sun set on London. "Clove , I love you" he says and I blush slightly. "I love you too" I say and this time he blushes. He pulls me closer to him and I rest my head on him. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. We sty on the London eye for a little while ., watching the sunset and talking . When we get off Cato insists on taking me somewhere else. He leads me towards an ice cream shop and buys us both ice cream. We walk hand in hand eating and he leads me to a park. When we finish the ice cream we climb up a tree and sit on a branch big enough for both of us. I sit on his knee with my legs dangling off the side. "How long do you think we will be together?" He asks me. "Is forever an option" I ask and he nods. "Well then I think forever" I say and he smiles. He turns me round so I am facing him and kisses me. I kiss back and our lips move effortlessly together. We pull apart to get a breath and he kisses me softly again. "I think forever too" he mumbles against my lips and I smile. "Good" I say and brush my lips against his before laying my face in his neck. He wraps his arms around me and pills me closer. I can feel it starting to get cold and goosebumps are appearing on my arms. "Here" Cato says and hands me his jumper. I slip it on and instantly feel warm. "Thank you" I say and lay back on him. "My pleasure" he says and kisses my head. I smile and close my eyes , listening to the sound of catos heart beat. "I love you so much clove. I want to be with you forever. I want to be the reason you smile" he says and I blush. "You already are the reason I smile. You always will be" I say and he smiles. "I love you Cato" i mumble into his chest. "I love you too". He snipers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I can't believe I have a boyfriend as good as Cato.

(A/N) hello. I don't know how long this is because I'm on my iPad. I accidentally locked myself out my phone. I changed my password and then forgot it because I'm so smart haha. Anyway I need to wait until I get home so I can fix it which isn't for another 12 days so I'm stuck with this. Sorry if it is short and I thought I would add a cute Clato part to this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it , love you 💜😘

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