Start of something new

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Peeta P.O.V

Who are you ? I ask . She looks up at me with sad eyes . "I'm Jade Nelson" she says quietly. We all look at each other. "What were you doing ?" I ask her

Jade P.O.V

"What were you doing?"he asks me. I swallow the limo forming in my throat. "Nothing" I say quietly. "But I saw you , you were walking into the sea. What were you doing?" He asks again. I fight back the tears that are forming in my eyes and let out a shaky sigh. "I was trying to kill myself" I say in a whisper. "Why?" He asks. "My mum abuses me , my dad left when I was young and my brother died in a car crash last year" I say as tears start to all down my cheeks. "I'm sorry" he says. "It's ok" I say. I feel arms wrap around me . "You'll be ok , do you have somewhere to go?" She asks. "Umm no , I'll find somewhere though" I say ask Katniss let's me put of her embrace. "No , you can stay in the guest room for as long as you want." She says. "Really?" I ask in disbelief. "Of course why not ?" She asks. "Nobody ever cares about me." I say sadly. "Well take care of you" Katniss says. "Thanks" I say. She smiles. "Tyler take Cassie to the guest room please" she says. "Ok" he says and I follow him up lots of stairs until we get to the fourth floor. "Here you go , if you need anything just come get me" he says and I nod and enter the room. As soon as my head hits the pillow I am out like a light.

Katniss P.O.V

I wake up and unwrap myself from Peetas arms and go to the kitchen where I find Gale and Johanna kissing. "PDA SOMEONE HELP ME !" I scream and Tyler comes in with a hair dryer , Cato comes in with a hairbrush and Finnick comes in with a pillow. "Glad to see that we are well protected if we ever get robbed" I say sarcastically. "Hey at least we came , we could have left you here" Cato says."who wants breakfast?" Gale shouts. "WE DO!" We all scream in unison and then burst out laughing. We all sit around the island and soon Peeta , Annie , clove , Cassie and thresh join us. We all start to eat and then I remember Jade. I run upstairs and find her asleep in her wet clothes. "Jade" I whisper shaking her and her eyes dart open. "Come on let's get you some clothes" I say. "Sure" she says. "Ok you go get a shower and I will bring in clothes. "What sizes are you?" I ask her. "Small in tops and a small in pants. " she says. "Cool that's my size " I say and leave her to shower. I run up to my room and go to my wardrobe. I pick out some light denim jeans , red Hollister top , underwear , a grey cardigan and I got some ugg boots that are grey to match her cardigan . I grab them and walk back to her room. I walk back in and see her crying with a towel around her. "What's up" I ask her. "My boyfriend dumped me " she says sadly showing me the text on her flip phone. "Oh , you'll be ok" I say reassuringly. She nods and wipes her tears. "Here's your clothes" I say and walk out . "Call me when your ready" I say . I walk out and a few minutes later she calls me back in. Of looks pretty good on her. She leans down to put her boots on and I see scars on her wrist . Some are more prominent than others. "What's that? I ask her. She quickly pulls down her sleeve. I walk over and pull it up to see scars. Some have reopened causing blood to come out of them. I take her to the bathroom and put bandages on her wrists. "There" I say and she smiles. "Thank you , nobody has ever been this nice to me" she says. "Well consider me your new family / best friend" I say and she smirks. "Let me do your hair" I say and she nods. I blow dry it and then put it in soft curls. She smiles when I'm done. "Thanks Katniss" she says thankfully. "No problem" I say. "Let's go meet everyone." I say. "Everyone?" She questions . "Yeah 12 , well 13
of us live here"I say . "Oh " she says. "Come on" I say and walk downstairs. When we walk into the kitchen everyone looks up. Tyler's gaze diverts to jade who blushes and looks down .

Jade P.O.V

Everyone looks up at me and when Tyler looks at me I blush and look down. "Guys , this is jade she will be part of our little family and she will live with us here " Katniss says happily. They all nod . "Not to sound mean but who are you?" A girl who looks similar to Tyler asks politely and didn't sound mean at all . Katniss looks at me and I nod telling her she can tell them. "Well she was going to kill herself but Peeta saved her and brought her here. Long story short she is living here " Katniss says. "What's your name" the same girl asks. She looks friendly. "Jade Nelson" I say. "I'm Cassie" she says . "This is my brother Tyler she says pointing to him and he smiles at me. " I'm Johanna another girl says. "Gale" says the boy holding Johanna. "Peeta but you already know that." Peeta says. "Clove" a girl with black hair says. She is really pretty. "Cato" a boy with blonde hair says . "Thresh" another boy who I'm guessing is thresh says. "Annie" a girl with red hair says. "Finnick" a boy with dirty blonde hair says . "And Katniss but you know that" Katniss says. "Let's go shopping" clove says. "Yay" a the girls say . "Umm Katniss I don't have any money" I whisper embarrassed. "It's fine I'll buy you stuff my dad is mega rich" she says chuckling. "No kat-" she cuts me off mid sentence . "Yes , you will take it and you have no choice I know your clothes size" Katniss says and I groan. "There's no point in arguing anyway in very stubborn" she whispers and I laugh. "Whatever you say" I say. It's weird how even thought just met these people I feel close to them especially Katniss . She is like the sister I never had.

*****At the Mall******

Katniss P.O.V

"Ok let's split up I'll go with jade , clove and Johanna , Annie and Cassie." I say and everyone nods. "We will meet you at the food court in 3 hours." I say and Johanna groans. "LEGGO!" I scream and me and jade run off. . First stop is forever 21. "Do you like this shop?" I ask her. "Actually I have never been to the mall" She say embarrassed."What!" I say shocked. "Yeah" she says. "Let's shop" I say pulling a ridiculous pose causing jade to laugh. We run around the store jade holds clothes while I throw clothes at her. "To the checkout. "That will be -" the cashier starts but I have already swiped the card. "We grab all the bags and head to the next shop which is Jack Wills. I grab sweats and sweaters and head to the checkout and I swipe m card again. "Next is Victoria's Secret" I say and Cassie nods. "I grab yoga pants and underwear and buy them. "To Hollister " I say and we grab the bags and run off. "In Hollister I buy her some cardigans , sweaters , sweatpants , shorts , bikinis , sandals , sundresses , perfume , crop tops and skirts. "Katniss you really don't have to" she says bit I have already swiped my card .

Jade P.O.V

Next we walk I to a huge show shop. "You wait here with the bags I'll be back soon " she says and I nod sitting in the bench surrounded by allot of bags. I just sit and wait for Katniss.

Katniss P.O.V

I run around the shop picking up wedges , trainers , converse , suprahs , sandals , stilettos and some cute flats. I pay and then head back to Cassie with allot of shoes. "wait here" I say and run off dumping the bags at her feet. "I run across from the shoe shop I to the apple shop and buy Jade and IPhone 5s gold . A mac book pro . I also naught some earphones and some cases for her phone. I thank the man who's name was Tom and ran back to Cassie . "Ok I think were done" I say. "Finally " jade says and we both laugh and pick up .... Well attempt to pick up all of out bags. Annie and Cassie see us and run over to help. "OMG what did you buy. " they say. "A whole new wardrobe for jade" I say and they both laugh. "Only you Katniss" Annie says and I laugh . "FOOD!" I scream and run towards the food court leaving Annie , Cassie and jade with the bags except the apple one which is in my hand . We meet up with clove and Johanna who are already eating. We all go up and order at mcdonalds and then wait for our food. .

****At Home*****

Me and jade are putting her things away when I realise something . "WE FORGOT PYJAMAS !" I shout startling her. "You can just borrow mine" I say. She nods. When we finish putting her clothes away I tell her I have a surprise . "What is it Katniss?" She says. "Here you go " I say handing her the apple bag. She opens it and gasps. "You like " I say. "Katniss I can't take this you have already done so much for me" she says. "It's ok I want you to have it" I say. "But" she says. "No buts take it" I say. She lunges at me and hugs me tightly. "You know I always thought my life would always be bad . That I would always be alone. That's why I wanted or leave but now I am so thankful for everything you and Peeta and the rest of the group have done for me. " she says in tears. "Don't make me cry , I am glad we helped because I couldn't let a great girl like you leave " I say and she smiles through her tears of happiness. I show her how to set it up and then we head downstairs to see Tyler on the couch. "Hey" I say and walk over to him and sit next to him . " hey Katniss , hey jade" he says. "Where are the rest?" I ask. ". "Um pool" he says. " I'm going to join them , you guys coming.?"
I ask. "No , I think I'll stay here" Tyler says. "I'll accompany you" jade says in a fake British accent. "Why don't you go watch something in the movie room and come down when your done so we can get pizza" I suggest. "Sounds good . Let's go" Tyler says and pulls jade along with him.

Jade P.O.V

He drags me up to the room across from my bedroom. We walk in and it looks just like a theatre . We sit on one of the beds and Tyler puts on the hunger games. "I love this" I say. "Me too " Tyler says . We watch the movie and I am laying in Tyler's chest. What? Don't judge me he's comfy. He would make a good pillow. At the end he turned it off and turned the lights on. "Jade , can I tell you something?" He asks. "Yeah sure?" I say. He sits next to me and I look at him. "Ok ... I just want to say that I think you are really beautiful and nice and funny and a great person altogether. Willyougooutwithme?" He says. "What?" I ask. He takes a deep breath. "Will you go out with me ?" He asks. Oh . "Tyler I would love that " I say and he smiles , dimples forming. "Thank god I thought you were going to say no?" He says . "Why would I?" I ask curiously. "It's just your so beautiful and I'm just " "your perfect" I say and he smiles. "Not as perfect as you" he says. It's just now that I realised how close we are. Our faces only inches apart. He starts leaning and so do I and soon we are kissing. I feel butterflies in my stomach and it feels like fireworks are going off. . This is the best feeling in the world. He pulls away and smiles and I smile back. This is the start if a new life . This is my chance to start over again.

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