The Truth

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I run up to the entrance of school, trying to avoid getting caught up in the rain but what I see in front of me stops those worries.
"Peeta what the hell?!" I shout and the girl, who's identity I now know as Delly turns around to face me, a small smirk on her lips.
"Katniss wai- I turn on my heels and run, not a destination in mind but that's so humiliating. The boy who's supposed to love me, kissing some blonde bitch. I stop when I reach my car and sit inside. How could I be so stupid to think anyone would love me?

Clove P.O.V

"You're a psychopathic, twisted girl. Get it through your head that no guy at this school will ever be stupid enough to give you a second glance, never mind kiss you!" Peeta shouts before storming off angrily. Delly shrugs before shuffling in her ridiculously high heels all the way to class which I'm unfortunately in. When I get in I throw my bag at my desk and lean over Delly's.
"Uh what are you doing?" She asks.
"You have broken up one too many couples at this school. My cousin and her boyfriend will not be one of them. So you get your ugly ass face and get it out of everyone else's lives. First Enobaria and gloss and now Katniss and Peeta. Well guess what Delly? Since your face looks like a 24 pack of crayola crayons raped it and you have the IQ of a newborn baby and about as much personality as a piece of shit nobody will ever want to date you or be with you or be your friend. And I know that's not fair. Something made you like this but since I don't know what it is nor do I have any fucks to give  I want you to leave me and my friends the hell alone. And maybe while you're at it you should learn a few things about self respect and how not to be a fake ass bitch. You come near me, my family, my friends or anyone I care about I will kick your ass and I'll rip those clearly visible extensions right out of your head. Do I make myself clear on that?" I ask and the full class bursts out laughing, including Mr. Abernathy, our teacher. Delly stares at me in shock. "I said do I make myself clear?!" I ask loudly and she merely nods. 
"Good. Glad I got that cleared up" I say as grab my bag, storming out of the classroom and to Katniss's car.
"Go to the meadow. She kisses him you idiot"  I say and she looks at me before she starts to drive.

Katniss P.O.V

When I get to the place we always go, Peeta is laying lifelessly on the ground, drenched in rain and tears rolling down his cheek, coming from his now closed eyes. I feel for a pulse and when I see how weak it is I call for an ambulance to come. I take my sweater off and put it over him, trying to awaken him. When the ambulance comes they take us both inside, leaving clove with the keys to the car. They put him in one of the silver blankets and give him an oxygen mask before testing his stats.
"He's just passed out from his unnaturally low body temperature. It's a wonder how he got that cold. He'll be fine" the paramedic says and I sigh in relief.

When we arrive at the hospital Peeta has begun to wake up. They put us in a room and give me extra blankets. I cover Peeta up and kiss his cheek. He looks up at me and I immediately hug him. "You scared me" I say, my voice breaking.
"I'm s-sorry baby" he croaks and I smile sadly.
"I believe you okay? Let's just forget the whole thing ever happened" I say and he smiles.
"That would make me happy" he says.
"Good" I say and kiss him softly. He shivers and I give him the extra blankets. He shakes his head and moves over, pulling me in with him. He's so cold. He nuzzles his face in my neck and pulls all the covers back over us. I smile sadly and kiss his cheek softly.
"I'm sorry Peeta" I say quietly.
"It isn't your f-fault" he stutters. I move closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist, trying to heat him up a bit. He sighs and shivers slightly.
"Will I go get a nurse to get more blankets?" I ask and he shakes his head. "As long as you're here I have all that I need" he mumbles before closing his eyes, letting sleep take over.

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