Glimmer returns

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Katniss P.O.V

Me and Peeta spent the day studying our pins and trying to find out what powers it has. After about 6 hours of doing this we finally have up. We hid the pins away safely. We decided not to tell anyone. It will be our little secret. We are just talking about my dad and his friend when everyone burst through the door. Gale and Johanna and Annie and finnick and clove and Cato. They are all talking and not paying attention to us. We should scare them. I think. Peeta is looking at me and nods. Did I say that out loud. I think. Peeta shakes his head no. Can he read my mind. This time he nods. Ok thats creepy. We both sneak over to the door where the light switch is and Peeta switches it off and on. Everyone screams and we burst out laughing. They are so stupid. I hear Peeta say. I start laughing. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "I was just agreeing with you ... Jeez. I think knowing he can hear. I guess that one of the powers. Mind reading. This could be fun. Mwahahaha . Now I can read thoughts. I wonder what else the powers are. We all decide to watch a movie and guess what Cato wanted to watch....... Paranormal activity. Yay .... Note the sarcasm. I hate scary movies. If I'm honest I just think he wants to cuddle with clove. We start watching it and five minutes into it. My head is in Peetas chest and he has his arms around me. I look up to see everyone else the same. My eyes pass the tv and I see someone's neck get snapped. It wasn't nice. I like that guy. I whimper and somehow bury myself further I to Peetas chest. He strokes my hair immediately calming me down. He always knows just what to do.

Peeta P.O.V

MINDREADING! You have got to be kidding me. I didn't even think that was real. I wonder who else's mind I can read. Suddenly Katniss whimpers and buries her head further into my chest. I stroke her hair knowing that it calms her down. I look at her . He always knows just what to do. God I love her. When I heard her think this it causes a huge grin to cross my face. I look at Cato. "I love clove" is what he was thinking. I never knew he would ever sa- think that. It's sweet. God I sound like such a girl. I look back at Katniss who is still scared. I tilt her face up to mine and place a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you" I whisper only loud enough for her to hear me. "I love you too" she says. "Always?" I ask. "Always" she confirms. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She lays her head back on me and I kiss the top of her head and the. Go back to stroking her hair. I love her more than words can explain. She is amazing.

Clove P.O.V

I get up from Cato and go to the toilet. On my way I hear something. It's coming from Katniss room. I slowly walk through the door. I am met by Glimmer. "What the hell" I hiss at her. "I knew that you wouldn't let me in so I had to come in through the window. " she hissed back. "What do you want?" I ask. "Look clove I want you to forgive me" she says. "I admit I was a bitch and that I shouldn't have done it but I was just jealous. Cato rejected me because of you so I had to get revenge. " she says. "Just leave already" I hiss. She looks down and climbs out the window. Who the hell does that ? It's practically breaking into my house. She is seriously messed up. I try to forget it and go to the toilet . I look I to the mirror to find a note. I pick it up and it reads : Dear Clove ,
I was just kidding why would I ever want to be your friend. You are stupid and ugly and fat and worthless and the list goes on. Why would Cato want someone like you. The only reason I was ever friends with you was because you were with Cato and I wanted him. Just know I always get my way. This is not the end CLOVE !! And I am just using marvel. He is so stupid to think I would like him. !! Bye :) just watch out .

OMG I can't believe this. Am I really all those things. Maybe Cato doesn't really love me. Maybe he just feels bad for me. No Cato would never do that , would he? I can't believe this is happening again. I thought the bullying had stopped but I was clearly wrong. Well do you know what since this happening again I will go back to the only thing that gives me comfort. I will cut. I rummage through the bathroom looking for a razor and I eventually find one. I know that I told Katniss that it's wrong but right now it's the only thing that seems right. So here it is. I push the bald into my skin and pull the razor across it. It feels good . That one is for being stupid . I do it again. For being ugly . Again for being fat and one more time for being worthless. I look at the marks and sigh. I fall to the ground and sob. I hear footsteps but ignore them. It's only when the bathroom door opens when I realise what I have done. Why did I listen to that dum blonde. She is an idiot. I look up to see Cato with tears in his eyes. He looks next to the mirror and sees the note. He is too quick because before I have moved he is snatched the note. He reads it and his eyes are filled with anger. He rips up the paper and sits in front of me. "Clove I am with you because you are beautiful and perfect and smart. You are worth so much more and you need to stop doing this. I will always love you no matter what" he says then pulls me in and kisses me. He pulls away and whispers the three little words that love to hear. "I love you" it sends butterflies through my stomach. "I love you too" I say and kiss him on the seats. He sets me in the side of the bath and grabs wipes and cleans my wrist. He then takes a bandage and out it on . What did I do to deserve him? I think. When he is finished he gets me a jumper to cover my arms then carries me bridal shower down stairs. When we reach the bottom everyone is asleep with each other. Gale and Johanna are in the floor and Katniss and Peeta in the couch. Annie and finnick are next to Johanna and Gale. He takes me over to the couch and wraps me in a blanket. He kisses me and I lay in his chest and fall asleep . Maybe he really does want me but I can't get the feeling out of me that Glimmer will do something bad. I don't mean try and break me up , I mean something serious. I hope I am wrong. These are the thoughts going through my head as I drift off.

(A/N) hope you like it. Next chapter tomorrow. Please vote and comment 🌟💞😘 love you all.

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