Saying Goodbye

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Katniss P.O.V

I have been in the station for over and hour waiting for an update. I was told that I could see Prims body but I refused to. I want to remember her exactly how she was. The beautiful young girl full of happiness and love. I don't want to see her lifeless body, it would break my heart. I have talked to rues mom and apologised but she said that it wasn't my fault and that she also gave rue permission to go. The thing that is going through my mind is what were they doing in the park. They had no signs of anything telling us how they died. There's something weird going on. I am trying to accept the fact that she is gone. I will never see her beautiful eyes or see her smile or hear her voice. Peeta has me in his lap with his arms wrapped around me. I dread the moment when I have to leave his arms because they make me feel safe. I am sitting in the police station listening to the sad voices of a mother and father who has lost her child. A brother who has list his sister and I can hear them comfort each other. I am staring into thin air blocking everything else out. "Katniss" I hear the soft whisper of a voice. I immediately know the voice belongs to Peeta. I turn to look at him and he looks worried. He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out contact lenses and gives them to me. "Your eyes are black " he whispers in my ear. I place them in my eyes. I bury myself back into Peetas chest and close my eyes. Peetas arms around me makes me calm and safe. "Katniss " I hear again and look up to be face to face with my distraught mother. Her eyes are bloodshot and read and she has bags under her eyes. Beside her stand my stepfather Plutarch. He also has the same bloodshot and red eyes. I knew how close he was with prim. Prim adored him. They both pull me into a hug and we all cry together. They hold me in their arms . They both take a seat after a while. I cuddle back into Peeta and he strokes my hair. A police officer makes her way over to us. "Hi my name is Mary and I am investigating the death of Primrose Everdeen and Rue Simpson (not actually her real name). I am just here to inform you that we are still to discover what the cause if death was but we have ran all the tests so you can have a funeral for them. I am truly sorry for your loss and I promise to do everything in my power to find out what happened. I don't care how long it takes me" she says. "Thank you very much. I am grateful for everything you have done. "TYLER!" I hear someone shout and we turn around to see a girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes running towards Tyler and engulfing him in a hug. We all look at each other and then Johanna clears her throat. "Oh sorry" the girl says turning around . "I'm Cassie , Tyler's sister. I am so sorry for your loss" she says with a sad smile and pulls me into a hug. I don't refuse and immediately hug back. We pull away and then we all make our way over to the seats. "Why don't we all go back to our house" clove says with a sad voice. I turn and look at her and she is wrapped around Cato. I nod and then we all make out way to our cars. Tyler and Cassie just stand there. I let go of Peeta and walk up to them. "Can you come as well" I ask. "Yeah" they both say. "I will follow your car" Cassie says and her and Tyler make there way over to the car. We all pile into ours and make our way home. We all make out way to the living room and me and My parents go to the kitchen. We all just stand for a minute not really knowing what to say. "So Katniss" my dad starts. "We want to know if you want to come home or stay here" he says. "I think I'll stay. We have all been through so much together and I couldn't leave them. I know prim would want me to stay. I think it would be best" I say. "We support your decision." My dad says. "Thanks I have plenty of people to help me through this" I say and he nods before pulling me into a hug.

Peeta P.O.V

I am sitting in the room with rues family and the group and Tyler and Cassie. They are really supportive and want to help. I think they would be good friends. We are all just talking about memories I prim and rue. I have not had allot but she was a sweet, down to earth girl. I will miss her. I just want to be their for Katniss. She is finding it hard to process. I will help her through it. We all will. "Yeah and that time prim and rue took all my blankets and sheets and made a giant fort" thresh says smiling at the memory. That definitely sounds like something they would do. "Peeta" I hear Katniss shout. I get up and walk to the kitchen. "Yeah" I say walking to Katniss and enveloping her in a hug. "We want to find a good place for the burial" Katniss says trying to hold back tears. "I think I know the perfect place" I say a small smile coming to my face. "Where?" Katniss says. "In the meadow, under the willow." I say. Katniss starts to cry. "It's perfect" she says. She buries her head in my chest and then I see her parents standing. "You must be Peeta" her dad says. "Yeah . It's nice to meet you." I say. Well it is but not under these particular circumstances. "I'm sorry about prim" I say and they nod saying thanks. We all make our way to the living room and everybody looks up teary eyed. "We are going to bury prim in the meadow under the willow" Katniss says and let's out a shaky sigh. "We want them to be buried together . If that ok" rues mother says with tears in her eyes. "That would be good" Katniss says. We all sit and for the rest of the day we all talked about prim and rue.

::::::1 week later:::::

Katniss P.O.V

Today is the day. The day that I bury my little duck. I'll never forget her. She will always be my baby sister. Even if she isn't with me anymore. We can't be separated. I love her with all my heart. Right now we have set up the meadow. There is rose petals scattered next to the 2 small graves and hanging from the willow is to signs. Mine is made of mahogany wood and it has a small speech carved in it. The carving says: "the little duck will now swim free. In the clouds of heaven watching over me" Peeta helped me come up with it. Rues said: "If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane. I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again" thresh made that one. There are allot if people here. Everyone from their school and all the teachers showed up. Tyler and Cassie are her and so have their parents. We have all become really good friends. Right now people are saying speeches. Peeta is reading his now. "I only met them a few times. Even then the have made me laugh. They were great girls and will be missed by everyone. I wish I could turn back time and bring them back. They meant allot to allot of people. They may be gone but they will never be forgotten. We will hold them in our hearts until the day we die. When that day comes we will be reunited with them. They was too young. I would like to take a moment in silence to pray for them and their families and their friends." Everyone bows there head. My mom and dad are both crying and so am I. I have cried through the whole thing. After a moment in silence. Only the sound of the cries heard Peeta sits down. "Katniss it's your turn." Peeta says. "Can you come with me" I say and he nods and takes my hand in his and walks me up. We both stand at the microphone. "My sister meant the world to me and I loved her very much. I wish she could come back. I wish I could see her one more time to say goodbye. I will miss my little duck. Rue was also a great girl who meant allot to prim. She was like another sister to me. They were too young. Too gentle and I couldn't save them. I'm sorry" I say now fully crying. "I-I w-w-will miss them both" I say stuttering. I take my seat and cry into Peetas shirt.

Peeta P.O.V

I wish they didn't have to go. Katniss is sobbing into my shirt. I am also crying. I actually think most people here are. After the small service we all head back to Katniss house. We a talk and retell old stories. Tyler and Cassie have been staying here and have joined out group. "Katniss can I talk to you for a minute" her dad says. "Yeah" she says getting up from my arms. She walks to the kitchen with her dad.

Katniss P.O.V

"I think it would be a good idea to leave this house" my dad says. "Why?" I say. "It's just you will be reminded to much of Primmy. I think you should move out. All your friends can move in with you and you can go through prims stuff. I can make a room where you can keep it all"he says. "Can I think about it" I say . "Sure sweetie" he says bringing me into a hug. We both walk back to the living room. Peeta looks distracted by something. He is looking upstairs. Peeta what is it? I ask through my mind. Prims and rue are here I hear him say. Come upstairs I say in my head. He gets up and we both leave without being noticed. We both walk upstairs and walk towards the voices and end up in Prims room. We walk in and I see them both sitting on the bed. They both look up. "Katniss what's wrong with us. Why can nobody see me? " she asks and rue nods in agreement. "Sweetie. You uh are dead" I say. "She starts to cry and so does rue. They hug each other. "Katniss" I hear someone say. Sam. "Katniss I can see them" I hear Peeta say. "Your powers are getting stronger" Sam says. "So they are definitely dead" I ask. "I'm afraid so. "Will you take care of them. Please" I ask him. "Of coarse I will. I will take care of them. They will be in good hands" he says. "Thank you Sam" I say. He nods saying thank you. "Prim" I say and she looks up. "This is Sam and he will take care of you" I say. Her and rue get up and walk to him. "He will take good care of you" I say. "I guess this is goodbye" rue says. "Yeah" prim says. "Not forever and you can visit" I say. "Yeah I will make sure we visit" Sam says. "Bye little duck . Bye rue. Bye Sam and thank you. "Bye Katniss prim and rue say in unison. "Bye Katniss and it's no problem. We can have some fun" he says and the girls nod. There mood seems to have gotten better. They start to fade away and I give them all a smile. I really hope I get to see her soon. She will always be my little duck.

(A/N) sorry if I make anyone sad. Hope you like it. Please vote ! 💜💙

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