1 Month Anniversary.

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It's been a month. A whole month. Peeta and I are closer than ever and each day he gives me a reason to smile. He makes my day and I trust him more than anyone in this world. Only thing is, he seems to have forgotten. I mean it's not a big deal I guess. My cell phone rings and I try find it amongst the mess on my bed. When I do I click the accept call button and hold the phone to my hear.
"Hello" I say.
"Hey babe" Peeta says sleeping and I smile.
"Are you just up?"  I ask and he laughs slightly.
"Yeah I just woke up" he says and I smile. That's so cute.
"Anyway I was calling to say happy one month anniversary. This has been the best month of my life and I couldn't ask for a better girl to spend my days with. I love you more than anything. You are so beautiful, kind, smart, perfect inside and outside and it's been an honour to be with you for one month. I'm taking you out tonight so wear something nice and I'll get you at seven. I'm surprised I've not done anything to make you hate me yet" he says and I laugh slightly, the biggest smile appearing on my face.
"I'm so lucky to have you Peeta. I've never had the pleasure of knowing someone as kind, handsome, caring, amazing and wonderful as you and I'm truly the luckiest girl alive. And even if you did do something stupid I'm sure we'd get through it" I say smiling.
"And I also love you" I say.
"Aww baby" he says and I blush slightly.
"Awww Peeta" I say, making him laugh.
"Okay I really need to go now. See you later" he says.
"Bye" I say.
"WAIT!" He says and I jump slightly.
"What?" I ask worriedly.
"I love you" he says and I smile.
"I love you too" I say smiling.


Peeta P.O.V

I knock on the door and prim answers.
"Hey Peeta" she says smiling.
"Hey prim" I say.
"That's so sweet" she says, motioning towards the flowers.
"Here. I got you this" I say and hand her sour patch kids.
"I love you!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around me. Someone clears their throat and we look up to see Katniss.
"At least try hide your affair" she teases and prim laughs slightly.
"Funny" she says and I smile and let go of her. I hand Katniss the flowers and she blushes.
"Aww thank you"  she says and wraps her arms around my neck, cuddling me. She has a sunset orange dress on which hugs her curves perfectly, she has her soft brown hair in loose curls, her makeup is natural and she has a pair of black heels on. She looks breathtaking. I peck her cheek and she lets go of me.
"See you later" prim says and walks off upstairs.
"You look absolutely beautiful. Stunning" I say and and she grins, looking down.
"You look very handsome" she says and I smile.
"Thank you" she says.
"I'll be right back" she says and walks out with the flowers. After a few minutes she comes back and I put my hand out for her to take. She looks at me, a light shade of pink painting her cheeks and smiles slightly, taking my hand in hers.
"Let's go" she says and I nod and lead her to the car where I help her in before I get in and start driving.


"Can I look?" She asks me and I laugh slightly, untying the blindfold.
"Yeah" I say and remove it from her eyes. She gasps and looks around.

Katniss P.O.V

He has decorated a table with food and has hung fairy lights around the tree along with a blanket underneath it to sit on.
"Peeta this is beautiful" I say. He smiles and kisses me softly.
"Like you then?" He asks and I shake my head.
"The opposite" I say.
"Excuse me but you are the most beautiful girl in this world. And you would be blind not to see that" he says and I grin.
"You're so amazing" I say and step closer to him. He wraps an arm around my waist and leans in to kiss me and I turn my head so he gets my cheek.
"Excuse me" he says offended.
"Is something the matter?" I ask teasingly. He lets go of me and cups my face in his hands, pressing his lips against mine softly. I melt into his body and kiss him. He kisses back, his lips moulding perfectly together with mine and giving me the feeling of a thousand butterflies taking flight in my stomach. Every kiss we have leaves me feeling awestruck at how amazing it can make me feel. We both pull away after the need for air became too much. We both look into each other's eyes and it's in moment that I realise I want to stay her forever, in this picturesque moment with both of us completely consumed by each other. I wish I could freeze time somehow so I could stay here for a while longer. It's perfect. But things don't work that way and Peeta pulls away from me, giving me a sweet smile.
"I know we said no gifts but I got you something" he says.
"I got you something too" I say and take it out of my bag. He hands me mine and I hand him his. He smiles and we sit down at the table and open them at the same time. Mines is a beautifully crafted golden locket with a p and a k carved into the back. I open the locket to see a minuscule picture of the two of us kissing. It's beautiful.
"I love it" I say and he looks at me.
"I love this" he says, gesturing to the watch.
"But yours is better" I say and he shakes his head. "No really. This is amazing Peeta. Best gift I've ever received" I say. I smile and take it out of the box as Peeta puts his watch on. When he's done he stands up and walks around the back of me, taking the locket out of my hands, careful not to tangle the delicate chain. He brushes the hair away and places it around my neck, his warm hands brushing off the skin on the back of my neck, making me shiver slightly. He hooks the necklace together and fixes my hair before leaning down so his face is in level with mine.
"There" he whispers softly and places a kiss on my temple. I turn to face him and peck his lips softly before he sits down.

After eating, Peeta and I sat on the blanket under the tree. The sky has become dark with twinkling stars scattered across the clear sky and the full moon illuminating the meadow. It's beautiful. I shiver as a cool breeze comes my way, hitting off my skin and causing goosebumps to form. Peeta takes his jacket off and wraps it around my shoulders before pulling me closer into his side and rubbing my arm, trying to warm me up.
"Thank you" I say and he smiles slightly.
"It's no problem" he says and I smile back at him.

We stay this way until Peeta checks his phone, realising it was nearly midnight.
"I should get you home princess" he says and I smile at the nickname.
"Yeah okay" I say smiling slightly. We make our way back to the car before Peeta drives me home and walks me to my door.
"Come stay with me. We can cuddle and watch a movie" I say and he smiles and nods.
"How can I pass on that?" He asks.
"You can't" I say and he smiles and follows me inside and up to my bedroom. I go to the bathroom and change into shorts and a t-shirt before walking into the room. Peeta left some clothes here last time that he's wearing. I walk over to him and stand in front of him. He leans in and kisses my forehead softly before wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I've had the best day. Thank you" I say.
"It was my pleasure. I love you" he says.
"I love you" he says.
"And I love you" I say. He places his hand on the side of my face softly and leans in, kissing me. I immediately kiss back, almost like a reflex. After a few seconds he pulls away and pecks my lips before hugging me. I smile and hug him back tightly. I don't know a lot of things in this world like why are there stars. Who made this earth, Is magic real. These are all unanswered questions but the one thing that I do know is that I'm the luckiest girl alive to have Peeta and this past month has been the best of my life.

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