The single teardrop

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Tyler P.O.V

Why did she do it ? I thought she was ok. I guess I was wrong. She just got up and ran. I remove myself from my previous position on the ground and drag myself over to the bed where Jade lays. Lifeless with tubes coming out of her arms. She has an oxygen mask covering the majority of her beautiful face. And her eyes that once sparkled are now shut. I take her cold hand in mine and close my eyes just praying that she will be alright , praying that she will pull through. I lean forward and kiss her forehead and that's when the tears begin. One drops on her cheek and I quickly wipe it away. I lay back in the extremely uncomfortable hospital chair. But right now I don't care because I would sit on a pile of nails if it came to it. I run my thumb over the back of her hand hoping she knows that I am right beside her.

I look up to see everyone staring at me with sorrowful expressions. I just look down because I don't want anyone pitying me. The tears are now freely falling . "Family of Jade Nelson" a male voice says breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" We all say. "Well it seems that Jade here has lost allot of blood and we don't know if she will make it unless anyone is willing to donate. She has slipped into a coma but she is pretty stable. The only hopes of her ever waking up is if she gets blood." He says. "I'll donate" I say. "That's the thing , she has one if the most rare blood types on the earth. It's O negative" he says. "I have that too" I say and he looks astonished. "Well if you follow me" he says and I get up avoiding looking anyone in the eyes. I walk out the room following the doctor to a small room just down the hall. Guess this would be a good time to get over my fear of Needles. I sit down on the edge of the bed while a nurse comes in about 40 to 50 years old and comes over with a needle in her hand. She also has juice on a tray. Weird. She puts the needle through my skin and I cringe at the feeling. I bet if jade saw me she would be laughing right now. After about 10 seconds she takes the jag out and cleans around the place where I got the jag. She then puts a small bandage around my arm to prevent any more blood loss. She hands me the bottle of juice and tells me to drink it so I don't begin to feel nauseous. I take it from her and rush back to jades room. It's sad to think that she doesn't even have parents to help her or any family. Well except for us. I rush back to her side. The doctor who is transferring the blood tells me that everyone had to leave but I was welcome to stay. I thank him and go back and sit next to jade. The doctor finishes and leaves the room leaving me alone with jade.

I break down at the sight of her . Her bandaged wrists hanging over the hospital sheets. Her smile has long disappeared and her beautiful eyes are closed maybe never to open again. I check the time on my phone , 10 : 30 pm. I drag myself into my feet and turn the lights off I go up to jade and wrap my arms around her securely as I climb into the bed next to her. I cover us up and make sure all the wires are still attached before I lay down on the pillow and try to sleep but no matter what I try nothing seems to work. So I just lay there , motionless listening to the steady beating if the heart monitor. The sound relaxes me , knowing that her heart still beats. It gives me comfort. Let's just hope she opens her beautiful eyes for me.

---1 week later---

I lay in the same position that I did exactly one week ago. She is improving but she still hasn't woken up. The doctor says we have another week before they turn it off and my hope is slowly slipping away . The others have visited but I have stayed here the whole time because I want myself to be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes. The only time I leave is to shower but I use the one that's attached to her room. I am playing with her hair when I decide I should talk to her. "Hey jade. So you have a week to wake up. But if you don't I will fight for you because I love you and I want to be with you forever. I just want to see your smile again and your beautiful eyes. Please just wake up. I love you no matter what" I say and a fresh set if tears fall. One drops on her cheek. " I love you" I whisper. But the something happens. The teardrop runs down her cheek and continues to roll past her chin. I watch as it glows purple and stops just above her heart. "I love you" I whisper again. The teardrop burst into a rainbow of colours and spreads all over her body seeping through her skin. I watch in amazement and then it suddenly stops. I look down in disappointment . I thought it would fix her but mayb- my thoughts are interrupted as I hear the angelic voice of my Girlfriend. "T-Ty" she chocked out. "Jade"
I whisper. "You're awake"

(A/N) I finally updated , yay ! Hope you liked this chapter. I thought it was quite hard to write in Tyler's POV for the whole chapter but I tried my best. You probably aren't even reading this but oh well. Thanks to everyone for reading , voting and commenting. I love you guys so much. Hope this let you know a bit more about Tyler and how he feels as well. Love you xx 💜😘

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