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Tyler P.O.V

"Tyler" she breathes out. Then tears fall from her eyes. Silently rolling down her cheeks as soft whimpers come from her lips. "Hey , you're ok" I say pushing the fallen strands of hair out of her face. "What happened?" She asked as more tears gather in her eyes. "You ran and we found you curled up with deep cuts in your arms and you were unconscious" I say breathlessly. She looks down examining her arms. She looks at the thick bandages wrapped around her arms. She let's out a shaky sigh. "I'm sorry Ty , I don't know what was going through my mind" she says as fresh tears fall. I wipe them away with my thumb. I kiss her forehead and give her a hug. "I just thought that me not being here would fix everything. Like all the problems would just leave with me and you wouldn't have to deal with me" she says and by now she is in tears. "But jade you need to realise that I love you. I am in love with you so much that it hurts. " I say. She looks up at me with those big eyes of hers with a hope in them. "Really. I feel the same way" she says and hold my hand in hers. "We'll get through this jade" I whisper in her ear.

Jade P.O.V

Aw he is so sweet. How does he even stick around me. I am just a disappointment to him and everyone. I keep his hand in mine as a nurse walks in. As soon as her gaze meets mine a shocked expression takes over her face. "You're awake?" She asks in disbelief. "Yeah" I say smiling slightly. "Oh honey that's amazing. Now Tyler I want you to go and get something decent for her to eat because the food here is horrible. I'll run a few tests while your gone" she says to Tyler chuckling slightly. He kisses my forehead and walks out thanking the nurse. As soon as he closes the door the nurse turns to me. "Ok honey , my names Jena and I have been your nurse this past week. I'm just going to talk to you for a while until Tyler gets back." She says smiling at me. "Here let's sit you up" she says adjusting my bed so I am in an upright position. "Okay so I understand that you cut" she says and I look down ashamed. "Well let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a young girl. About 13 or 14. She was bullied and abused and she decided to cut. She cut too deep one day hoping to end it all but sadly someone found her. He rushed her to hospital and she got fixed up. The girl was taken away from her parents and places in adoption. She never did get the perfect family but she got a best friend and allot of other friends who cared about her" she says smiling. "Do you knew who that girl was?" She asked me. "Who?" I say. "Me" she says sighing. "Anyway the lesson there is that you always have someone who cares about you and before you go trying this just remember how upset Tyler would be and your friends and that little girl Alex" she says. "Alex?" I question. I'm not that close to Alex. "Well you remind her of her sister who did this because if bullying and she has visited along with your other friends everyday" she says. "They came everyday?" I asked as tears brim my eyes. "Except Tyler , he hasn't left the hospital the whole time you have been here" she says. A few tears fall. Happy if course. Just then Tyler walks in with a bag of McDonalds. "Hey" he says to us. "I best be going Jena says . Nice seeing you . I'll go and talk to the other doctors to see when you are expected to be released" she says winking at me and I smile. She leaves the room and Tyler comes over to me. "You've been here the whole time ?" I ask as a single tear falls. "Of course" he says and I pull him into a kiss. "Now give me food because I am starving" I say. He pulls out a burger and fries for each of us and hands me a drink to go with it. "Thanks" I say smiling at him. "Anything for you" he says smiling back at me.

Katniss P.O.V

We were all sitting watching TV and Alex was over along with some boy. "How do you knew Alex?" I ask him and he looks at Annie "um well I was dropping Alex home and I saw this really cute puppy and I talked to it , found out it was human , got Effie to change him back and here we are now " she says smiling. We all look at each other. "My names Ashton Brown" he says and I smile at him. "Katniss Everdeen" I say just as my phone rings. I pick up while everyone else introduced themselves. Phone convo :

(K-Katniss t-Tyler)

K- Hey
T- Hey kat she's awake
K- were on our way

"Were on our way" I say and hang up. "To the hospital" I say and everyone gets up. Everyone just split up" I say and we all do. We all head it the hospital , even Ashton.


After a silent ride to the hospital we all jump out and run to reception. There guide is to a new room saying that she got moved. We thank her before dashing down to hall to room 242. We all burst through the door to see jade and Ty talking about something. "Jade" I say running towards her and throwing my arms around her. She hugs back smiling at me. I see Alex looking relived standing at the door with Ashton beside her. I wiggle my eyebrows at her causing her to blush a crimson red and Ashton to do the same. I laugh at the two of them. We all just sit down and catch up on stuff that jade has missed which honestly isn't allot except boring school. The only interesting thing this week is that Delly had to move schools and now her minions are lost without her. It's quite funny to see. They just wander about looking like lost puppies. Jade laughs when I tell her about them.

Alex P.O.V

After spending most of the day with jade we all go back to Katniss' house and me and Ashton decide to walk home. It's only about 3pm. We just talk and laugh the whole way back like we has known each other for ever. As we approach my house in district 12 he stops and turns me around and before I can comprehend what is happening I feel a soft pair of lips meet mine. I kiss back and I feel butterflies gather in the pit of my stomach. He pulls away blushing. "I'll text you later" he says before walking towards his home. What just happened ? I rush inside and go to my room after saying hi to everyone. I just lay back and close my eyes replaying my first kiss in my head. I decide to text Katniss and tell her .

To : Kat 🐱💜

Hey , I just had my first kiss and I don't know why to do with myself xx

I hit send and wait for a reply. About 2 minutes later my phone beeps telling me that I have a new message.

From : Kat 🐱💜

OMG how cute. With Ashton I bet 😉. Just wait and see I guess. Hell probably text you later. Anyway I wish I could chat but Finnicks burning something , bye. Hope I helped a little xx

I laugh at her text and out my phone away before laying back down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I just wish he would text me.

Katniss P.O.V

"Finnick what are you burning?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen to see toast that looks like coal and a toaster that is smoking. I groan and clean up his mess and make him toast that isn't burnt. He thanks me when I'm done and takes a bite leaving the kitchen. I sigh and walk out after him taking a seat on Peetas lap. "There's a space on the couch you know" Clove points out to me. "Peetas comfier" I say laughing. "What should we do ?" I ask nobody in particular. "MOVIES" Annie screams. "Okay which one?" I ask. Everyone looks at me. "White chicks" they all say in unison and I laugh. "White chick it is" I say digging out and putting it in while Johanna leaves to make popcorn. I look over to see a very tired looking jade on the couch . She came home about half an hour after we did because she needed some more tests. Tyler is playing with her hair as she has a blanket around both of them and her head is on his chest as her eyes are becoming heavy. But I don't blame her because I would be tired too if it was me that went through what she did these past few days. I'm just grateful that se is back and safe. I just couldn't imagine if she wasn't , we would all be crushed.

(A/N) Hey guys , so this was just a filler chapter . Hope you liked it anyway. I never knew what to write here so I'll just say thanks for all the reads and comments. Love you 😘😍

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