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Katniss P.O.V

After the perfect date Peeta takes me home. We both go in the front door to see a crying clove and Cato comforting her. Annie and finnick , thresh and finch are the same. Tyler looks like he's ready to pull his hair out and Cassie and marvel are sitting fidgeting on the couch. Everyone's heads shoot towards the door but when they see us they sigh and look back down. "What's wrong" I ask. "Jade hasn't come home yet" they say. "She won't answer her phone and nobody can find her. She's missing" Tyler says. "When did she leave" I ask. "At around 4 , she just ran off" Tyler says. "Where did you look?" I ask. I don't really think she's missing , maybe they are just over reacting. Suddenly Tyler's eyes turn black "everywhere" he says blankly and falls to the ground. Wow ..... Creepy much. "Tyler!" Cassie shouts running to him. She shakes him and his eyes shoot open. "I just feel weak" he says and we all look at each other. I decide to phone Effie. "Hi Mrs.Trinket Tyler feels really weak and nobody can find jade" I say calmly into the phone. "Jade could be anywhere but me , Haymitch and Alex will help look. As for Tyler , lay him down and tell him to rest , he is feeling weak because jade is not with him and he misses her. We will be over as soon as we can" she says in a rushed voice. "Thank you" I say. "Your welcome" she replies before hanging up. "Get Tyler on the couch" I say. Cato , finnick and Gale lift him up onto the couch. "W-what's wrong with him" Cassie asks shakily. "He's weak because jade is gone" I say and she nods. "Effie , Haymitch and Alex are on their way to help look , who wants to stay with Tyler?" I ask. "I will " Cassie says. "Me too" marvel says, I nod. "Okay then , let's find jade" I say and as if on cue there is a knock on the door. I rush over and Haymitch , Effie and Alex walk in. "Hello , let's split up . 2 groups of two and three groups of 3" I say and they nod. "The groups of two can be haymitch and Effie , Finnick and Annie" I say and they nod. "Finnick and Annie check district 11 and 10" I say , "haymitch and Effie check 12 sine you know it better" I finish. "Thresh, finch and Johanna . District 9,8 and 7" I say. "Got it" they say and rush out. "Gale , Cato and clove . District 6 , 5 and 4" I say. "Okay" they say heading out. "Me , Peeta and Alex will take district 3, 2 and 1" I say and everyone heads out leaving Cassie , Tyler, marvel and gale behind .

Me , Alex and Peeta get in my car while Peeta drives. We start off by driving to district 3 while Peeta checks the sidewalk briefly. (A/N I'm Scottish but because this is set in America everyone is American . I'm sorry if I mess stuff up, now back to the story) me and Alex choose different sides of the road to check . We look around the whole of district 3 checking In ally's and housing estates. We even went by the preschool and there was no sign of her. We've been searching for about an hour and it's starting to get dark so we decide to try district 4.

Finnick P.O.V

I'm driving around District 11 and we have checked everywhere. We cannot find her. Annie is starting to get scared because it is getting dark. We keep driving down the road that leads to district 10 hoping to find her there . I know we haven't known each other for long but I do really care about her , we all do.

Effie P.O.V

We are driving through district 12 , just like we have for the last hour. No sign of her whatsoever. We have got the police helping us as well. They still have no news on her but we will not give up hope.

Cato P.O.V

Still no sign of jade. I am starting to get really concerned and I just want her to be safe. For everyone because she is already like a sister to me. I just really want her to be safe and now my overprotective side is showing. Everyone is just really tired and worried but we will keep searching until she is found. We won't give up.

Johanna P.O.V

I know I act like I don't care but this is driving me insane. I just felt close to her. Like she was a sister I never had. I need to find her. So far there has been no sign and I have had to stop driving so I could swap with Thresh because I am to upset to drive

Peeta P.O.V

As we enter district 4 we see a girl around our age huddled up on the side walk . She looks like she's sleeping and she is curled up in a ball. WAIT!! I pull the break and the car jolts to a stop. I jump out the car with Alex and Katniss following behind. I shake the girl known as jade and she doesn't move. I shake harder. Nothing. "JADE !" I shout. Nothing. "Call an ambulance" I flip her lifeless body over. She has lots of cuts , deep in her arm . I lift up her blood stained shirt and see the word disappointment carved into it. I gasp. "Katniss try heal her" I say . Katniss kneels beside her and does her thing but nothing happens. "It won't work" she says exasperated. Just them we hear the sirens and soon an ambulance comes. "Alex you go with jade, we will go find the others" I say. "We'll meet you there soon" Katniss says. She nods jumping in the back while the paramedics out jade on a gurney and out her in next to Alex.

We go back to the house and phone everyone. They all say that they'll meet us at the hospital. Me and Katniss drive to the hospital with a hysteric Tyler in the back. He is crying his heart out , I just feel so bad for him.

Katniss P.O.V

Tyler is in the back crying his heart out. "Peeta stop a minute" I say and climb in the back next to Tyler. I pick him up and wrap my arms around him. He lays his head on my chest and I hug him. "What if she , if she d - dies" he says and a new set of tears start to fall. "Well help you through this , but she'll pull through" I say. "Hopefully" he whispers through his tears. Me and Tyler remain like this with a. Very stressed Peeta in the front who is trying to get to the hospital quickly.


We soon arrive and we all rush out the car and run to reception. "Jade Nelson" I say to the receptionist . "Room 334 level 4" she says and we thank her running off. As soon as we get it the room Tyler runs in to see the unconscious jade with tubes coming out if her. "Jade" he whispers falling to the ground crying. My eyes start to tear up and so do Peetas. We are all crying and Tyler is whispering profanities to himself. He is really in love with her. I wonder where it all went wrong. When our lives became heartbreaking stories that you could only imagine happening. Why us ? Why do bad things happen to us ? It's not fair. Not fair for anyone. Now all we can do is pray. Pray that she wakes up because I honestly don't know what Tyler or any of us will do if she doesn't. Our lives would somehow become worse. If that's even possible. I've already lost too many people and I don't plan on loosing another. She can't die. She just cant......,

(A/N) Hope you liked it . And I'm among for 60, 000 tonight. Thanks to all my readers who actually make me believe that I have a chance of becoming a writer. Love you xx 😘💗.

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