Meeting cloves friends

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As soon as I step out of the car clove is dragging me off somewhere. I'm guessing it's to meet her friends. I trail behind her, receiving a few stares but that's what I get for being the new kid right? After a few minutes she comes to a halt, making me ram into the back of her.
"A little warning would have been nice" I say, stepping away from her.
"Sorry. My bad" she says and I nod.
"Anyway Katniss. I'd like you to meet Marvel, Glimmer, Annie, Finnick, Gale and Johanna" she says.
"And Cato" a voice says and I turn around to see a blonde boy standing. He kisses cloves cheek and wraps his arms around her. This must be cloves god-like boyfriend. I mean he's okay looking I guess. Not my type though. Which I guess isn't a bad thing considering he dates clove.
"So is this your god-like boyfriend then?" I ask, smirking slightly. Everyone laughs and Clove blushes.
"I uh don't remember saying that" she says and I laugh slightly.
"I'm Katniss. Nice to meet you" I say.
"The pleasures mine" he says and I smile.
"Hey guys sorry I'm late"!Another boy says, walking over. Now this boy is like no boy I've ever seen before. He has dirty blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen in my life. He's so handsome.
"Peeta this is Katniss. Katniss, this is Peeta" she says. I look up at him. His eyes are fixed on me. "Nice to meet you Katniss" he says smiling warmly and pulling me into a hug.
"You too" I say smiling. He lets go of me and clove smiles smugly at me.

After a few minutes of awkward silence I decide to break it.
"It was really nice meeting you guys. I really need to go get my locker combination though" I say.
"I'll come with. The school is pretty big, wouldn't want you getting lost" Peeta says and I see Finnick smirk at him. "Yeah thanks. That'd be great" I say.
"See you guys later" he says and they all wave.

We walk through the halls of Panem High until we reach the office where they hand over my combination and class schedule. I'm in most of Peetas classes except biology and my locker is next to his.
"So how are you liking Panem so far?" He asks.
"Yeah I like it here. It's different that home" I say and he smiles.
"Yeah I'll have to show you the meadow sometime, it's amazing" he says and I smile.
"I'd like that" I say and he grins. The bell rings and we head to my first class, music. Maybe this day won't be so bad after all.

(A/N) hope you like it , I will update soon

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