Chapter 23

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Third person's POV:

Taehyung groaned against a solid chest when he felt pounding pain in his back and a heavy hand on his waist. The omega opened his eyes and was greeted by his handsome naked mate.

"Jungkook get off" Taehyung whined but the alpha didn't moved an inch. Taehyung groaned and tried pushed the alpha away but it was useless. After several useless attempts of getting up, Taehyung finally gave up and laid lifelessly in Jungkook's embrace.

"Stop torturing me Jungkook, I know you are awake" Taehyung growled and Jungkook let out a lazy laugh. "It was cute seeing you struggle" the young alpha laughed with his eyes close. Taehyung glared at his mate and hit his chest "I hate you".

Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at Taehyung with a teasing smirk "Hate is a strong word babes". Taehyung rolled his eyes and sighed "Can you please let me go? I need to use the washroom". Jungkook shooked his head in a no and squeezed Taehyung tighter in his arms. "Jungkook I am serious!" Taehyung shouted and Jungkook chuckled "Okay okay babes".

Taehyung mumbled some cursed words under his breathes and tried to stand up from the bed but his legs weren't helping him. He trembled back in the bed with a hiss. "What happened?!" Jungkook quickly asked as he sat up.

"My back hurts" Taehyung whimpered as he sat on the bed in Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook crawled forward and kissed Taehyung neck "I'll carry you to the washroom babes" he passed the omega a gulity smile.

He stood up from the bed in his full glory and suddenly picked up Taehyung in a bridal style. Taehyung screeched and hid his face in the Alpha's neck "Jungkook at least wear something". Jungkook smirked and pecked the omega's cheek "You weren't saying that last night". Taehyung whined and slapped the younger's head "Shut up".

That didn't stopped Jungkook as he licked Taehyung ear and whispered "I really did wreck you last night". Taehyung shouted "Jungkook!" And blushed furiously. Jungkook laughed and placed the omega in bathtub while he opened the water tap and wore a bath robe.

"Do you want me to wash your hair?" Jungkook asked as he put a purple bath bomb in the tube. Taehyung nodded and relaxed his head on the edge of the tube. Jungkook smiled lovingly at the sighted and sat beside Taehyung outside the tube.

"You know purple always reminded me of you?" Jungkook whispered as his poured water on Taehyung's head. "Why?" Taehyung asked as he played with the sparky purple water. "Because when I first met you, you had purple hair" Jungkook spoke in a calm voice while smiling.

Taehyung chuckled and watched the water run between his fingers "And beach always reminds me of you because that's where we first met". Both mates smiled fondly in distance realising how far they had come.

"You know I love you right?" Jungkook spoke up suddenly. Taehyung grinned and turned to jungkook, he grabbed his face with his wet hands "yes and you know I love you too right?". Jungkook smiled ear to ear and planted a soft kiss on Taehyung's lips despise him being wet. "Also last night was amazing" Jungkook whispered against Taehyung's lips and the omega blushed.


Soon after taking bath, both mates went down and engulfed in a hug by Jimin. "Oh my god I can't believe to both mates!" Jimin squeaked while jumping. Jungkook rolled his eyes and Taehyung laughed.

"Did you use protection?" Baekhyun sneaked up from behind and hugged Taehyung, startling the three wolves. Taehyung groaned "Yes hyung". Suddenly a raspy voice interrupted them "Thank god, I don't want to be a uncle just yet" Yoongi smiled sheepishly. Taehyung rolled his eyes and came forward to hug the older alpha.

Too Old (Vkook FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang