I freshen up my face, tie my hair properly in a pony, use some body spray since as you know, I haven't showered, and then put on some lip balm. I remove my glasses and quickly place my contact lenses right on my dark blue pupils like an expert. I put my hijab on and according to my calculations, I won't have time to dress up, so I take out my Abaya (a long loose black dress that completely covers your body except your palms) and wear it over my pajamas then took my bag, files and heads downstairs.

Yousi turns around as he saw me approaching and smiles. A smile which was genuine and reserved just for us. His light brown hair was messy unlike Ahsan, he likes it that way and just likes to runs his fingers through them. His body was lean and muscular due to his hardwork in gym. He was taller and he had that cute nose and perfect jaw line too. He had that mesmerising voice and a good sense of fashion. He was the young, hot and that too a bachelor C.E.O available in Yasrid. But he is working in overseas, far away from us, far from home.

"Ready ?" He asks with a soft smile and I nod my head. When we reached living room, I saw dad reading his daily newspaper and when he heard the sound of car keys that Yousi was swinging through his fingers he quickly lowered the paper. Those same old dark blue eyes met the young dark blue ones and smiled, I looked more like my dad.

"Assalamu alaikum, we're leaving !" I call out to both dad and mom and maybe to Ahsan too who is probably sulking somewhere.

"Yousuf come back home, okay ?" Dad says in an expecting way, almost pleading and we can't blame him cause Yousi stayed at his work land for like nine months. He nods his head assuring him and then heads outside with me trailing behind.


Back when I went to school and college I always hated Mondays. I used to pray that one day I can stay at home and even sleep on Mondays. But unfortunately Mondays isn't going to leave me alone for sometime because now I work as a teacher and I have to wake up early on Mondays again. When the last bell rings on Fridays, I also happily jump up and down with my students.

I reached Little Daffodils Primary School just before the bell rang and waved Yousi goodbye. Now I'm walking through the corridor and the kids passing by smile up at me. That was enough to boost my sleepyself. Who would've thought that the rich Izza Khalid of Yasrid, okay maybe not that rich just an average rich, would be a teacher of a primary school. Well more like a social worker since I've donated funds and was actually helping the school which was build out of charity. But I know it was worth it, becoming a teacher and creating an environment for the poor kids was worth everything. We know we can never match up to the rich private school students but we are trying hard to let our kids enjoy.

"Meees Izza !" I smiled at the little bundle coming towards me and crouched down as she neared me. She pushed away her bangs as it covered her face and panted. She smiled showing her milky teeth with the front ones gone and then said in her tiny, squeaky voice.

"I got a poficensy" I laughed as she misspelled proficiency award that is given away to students every year who excel in their studies. Beaming at her I said,

"Congratulations !"

"I'm smarter than Hammad now, aren't I ?" Confused I asked her,

"Now what does Hammad has to do with all of this ?" Azra rolls her eyes as if trying to make her point, these days girl can be so dramatic.

"Come'on, Hammad always calls me a loser and now he can't call me that"

"Hey loser !" Our of nowhere Hammad barges in and messes her bangs once again. His captain America cap was turned back and he had only let one strap of his school bag on his shoulder cause he says,

"This is what cool kids do and I'm cool"

"Hammad run away before I keell you" Azra screams and starts running behind Hammad who had already started running for his life. I chuckled at them and scanned my eyes at the rest of the kids who are entering the school with big smile on their face. They make me happy.

"Miss Khalid you are required in the Principal's room" the peon said as he passed by so I quickly nodded my head and started walking towards the principal's office. The teachers passing by smiled at me and I smiled back. Teachers here are so loyal, kind and caring. We make a good teachers council.

I was smiling all the way to the Principal's room and didn't notice that I had walked a little ahead past the room. I face palmed myself and turned back towards the room, grabbed handle of the door and pushed it open. I felt like something took me back to the past. I had a whiff of a familiar cologne as I opened the door. I felt a cool breeze fanning my face.

Some one was sitting on the chair in front of Principal Abdullah. As I slowly closed the door, the guy turned back.

When I saw him my heart skipped a beat and then it was beating hard. I swear I could hear the frantic sound of my heart. Because right infront of me was the person I never wanted to see again. He was wearing an Armani suit, a Rolex watch on his wrist and a Ray Bans was tucked away in his pocket.

I clenched my fist, ready to punch him and was glaring at him so hard with my dark blue orbs. But those eyes were twinkling, as he took in my presence because he was seeing me after a long time and his expression seemed to say that he couldn't believe he finally got to see me again.

He slowly stood up and looked at me. Those eyes looked so guilty, like he was asking to be forgiven, but I wasn't falling for that, I can't fall for that.

He started walking toward me, very slowly but I was walking backwards and everything around me stopped. He came closer then he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He asked me with a slightly doubtful look on his face, just to make sure that it was me, since it has been so long.

"Izza, is that you ?"

With that I was plunged into the past I never ever wanted to recall.


Greetings ladies,

So how was the second chapter. Hope you all loved it. If not then insha allah I'll try my best next time. Stay tuned.

And as I said in my authors note Bloom woods and Yasrid are fictional places that I've made up. If these places are really there. It'd be coincidental. And think bloom woods as an American city with mixed culture and Yasrid as an Arabian place.

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