|Long day

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••Hop on to the time machine ladies, cause we are heading to the past. When Izza was 16 years old. Flash back••

I love snow.

Now I just love it more since it's going to save me from going to a disastrous place. Through my window glass I can see that our front porch is completely covered in snow. So there's no way we can get out of here, unless Dad cleans it up. I threw myself on the bed and sighed, enjoying my short moment victory just before I heard her chirpy voice.

"Izzy where are you ? Come out, come out wherever you are !"

Here comes the drama queen.

Looks like she is more happier than I am. I'm hating her so much now that I am beginning to boil with rage. To add more fuel to the fire, she starts banging on my door. And I hate banging on my white wooden door.

"Stop banging the door ! it's not closed". I growled at the person behind the door. After hearing her snicker, the door opens and enters Yusra Khalid with a creepy smile which also features her pearly white teeth. I hate that smug smile.

"Oh ! But someone said, 'Knock before you enter' " She said smirking at me.

"I said knock, not bang !" I shouted back.

"Whatever" Shrugging her shoulders, she plops on to the couch in my room and starts eating chewing gum.

"So..." I said looking at her, confused.

"So what ?" She retorts, looking at me from the couch. Did she just come into my room without a reason ?

"Idiot ! What are you doing in my room ?"

"Oh forgot, mom asked you to get ready. We are leaving" she said chewing her gum very slowly as if anticipating my movements.

She was wearing a blue long skirt and a white shirt with its Chinese collar tucked in. Her front was quite revealing, but she had wrapped a scarf around her neck. Her dark brown, straight hair was in a bun. She didn't put on a lot of make-up. But red lipstick and mascara was already too much.

"Where are you going ?" I ask, since she's dressed up so early in the morning.

"Where am I going ? Oh sister, 'We' are going. If you don't remember 'You' are joining high school today. Yousuf and Ahsan have started cleaning up the porch".

"I'm the one joining ! Why are you dressed up ?" I glared at her.

"Am not ! I'm always like this" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Get lost !"

"Barbie doll" she purred, giving me an evil smile.

"Don't call me that !" I snarled at her.

"Ooh ! Are you getting angry ?" She wiggled her eyebrows showing me her fake sympathy.

"Yussaaaa" I was going to throw myself on her when we heard a shout from downstairs.

"Both of you get down right now !" Mom was literally screaming.

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