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The cold was unbearable and terrifying today. I blew air to my hands and slowly rubbed them. Pulling my cardigan tightly, I took deep breaths and reached for the handle of the door. Our house was quiet today and that really sucks cause usually when you move out, there's lot of noises and bickerings. But my family did everything in pin drop silence, almost in a robotic way. Nobody talked - this was the state of my family now. To the most energetic family - look where we have reached, to a lifeless family.

Every room was cleaned but nobody wanted to touch this room. This room that will haunt them forever, but I dared to come here and do it myself. Because I have promised her that I'll always be the strongest girl. I sighed and pushed open the door.

I was in Yussa's princess room.

Her room was untouched from the day she had shifted back to the hospital. The pink wallpapers, the pink wardrobe, dressing table and all her makeup goodies were placed neatly. Her dolls were sitting on the couch - Giffy the doll Giraffe, Pearl the pony, unicorn doll and all of them were huddled together as if waiting for their princess to come back. But they don't know that their princess would never come back. I envied them because they were lifeless and didn't know about the happenings of the world. I remember what she had said when I went to take my blessing for the match,

"Well its over now and I'm going back to my room. Ha ! I missed my princess room".

But she never got the chance to be back in her room.

All the photographs were placed in frames on her walls and as I went near them I recalled the memories with her. There was a picture of the cake which we both made for our parents anniversary. The 'anniversy' written could be seen and both of us standing next to it - Yussa with a big goofy smile and me, as always with a not so interested face. Next to it was a photo of me and her, when I won the match and under the picture was written.

My barbie doll is a champion.

Another photo of our family in the beach, Yousuf had Ahsan on his back, Yussa was wearing shades and her one hand was tightly clasped under my chin - which says that she was forcing me to look at the camera that said I hated taking my photographs. I blinked my eyes and felt the tears coming down. I covered my mouth and bit back a sob.

It was so hard.

My Yussa was gone.

I stumbled backwards and took deep breaths. Calming my nerves I said to myself 'I could do this'. I slowly took the photos from the frames and kept it in a box. I'll never threw them away, all of these photos - these memories are coming with me to Yasrid.

After keeping them safely I walked towards her wardrobe, opening them I was met with a bundle of dresses. I groaned when I saw the falling clothes. Looks like Yousi had done massive destruction over here when he searched for the silver gown for my Prom. Gosh Yussa would have jump on his back and choke his neck. That would have been hilarious to watch when Yousi gives out his pleas, me and Ahsan would support Yussa and laugh out loud at their antics.

Shaking at the impossible dreams I continued taking her dress and arranging themselves in the bag. Then I took her dolls and kept it another bag along with her books and some of the makeup products. I took her Mr. Cuddles - I'm never ever giving him to the orphans.

Yes we were planning to give her products to the orphanage where Zee had once took me 'Tulips'. I hope that when I visit the orphanage he wouldn't be there. I haven't seen him for a week, not only him - even my friends - I have avoided them all. I had changed my Mobile number so they wouldn't call me. Mehara had tried to come home many times but I never ever let her see me because I had locked myself in my room. Nobody knows we were leaving except the Osmans.

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