I walked downstairs without Riley because Riley said he wanted to call his mum and check on her. I was about to walk to the kitchen when I heard Max and Magnus talking about him and Vici. "Just answere me one you still love my that why you never really loved Vici?" Max asked and Magnus only nodded not even able to look in his eyes. "Oh, Magnus." I heard Max talking but it all sounded so surreal. Did Magnus just said he loved me? Did he just told my little brother that he really loved me. My heart beat like I just ran 100 miles and I felt tears filling my eyes. I wanted to hear that 5 years ago...5 years I would have done everything to hear that from Magnus and now he said it. He said that he loved me but it was too late. I was in a relationship with Riley and he would have a baby with Vici. I couldn't lie that there wasn't always a part of me that still loved him but I was with Riley and I was finally happy. It felt like we had these feelings to be together but life wasn't like it was supposed to be. Something always came between us and now it was our new life. We needed to move on and I finally did that. I have Riley and I'm really happy with him. Magnus seemed to repect that and I was glad for that but still hearing him saying or more seeing that he didn't deny it that he loved me was like my heart was ripped out. I looked at the door for a few seconds and tried to put myslef together. I couldn't beleive what I heard and it was like a nightmare but it was true. Suddenly I felt hands on my waist and I jumped a little. "'s me, babe." I heard Rileys soft voice and let out a shaking breath. "Alexander, are you okay?" He asked me worried and I quickly smiled. "Yeah I was just thinking since we marry in 3 weeks we should tell my family today. What would you think if we tell them after dinner?" I asked him and somehow I had to urge to show Magnus that I and Riley were really happy. "That's sounds great, baby." He cheered and I kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I pinned him against the wall. I sarted to kiss down his jawline and placed open mouth kisses on his neck. Riley let out a little moan when the front door opened and we jumped apart. I saw Izzy with Simon walking in...hand in hand and a red head girl with a blond guy...Jace. " that you?" I asked and he looked at me with a smile. " you look grown up." He laughed and walked to me to hug me. I and Jace were friends on highschool and were pretty close. Not as close as I was with Magnus but Jace was also often at my place. "What are you doing  here?" I asked him and pulled back from the hug. "After you left I and Izzy became really good friends and your Mother invited us to a family dinner. Since there we are always here for family dinner once in a month. "Jace." I heard a voice and Magnus came out of the livingroom. He hugged Jace and then I could see the red head girl more clearly. "Hello, I'm Clary. Jace wife." She said and I got huge eyes. "You guys are 23 and already married?" I asked and Jace started to laugh too. Okay I was engaged too so it wasn't that strange but still they were already married. "Well...we didn't want to lose anytime when we knew we found the one." Jace answered and put an arm around Clary. "I'm Alec by the way. This is Riley my boyfriend." I answered and Riley smiled shyly at everyone. "Hello, Alec." Simon smiled and I looked at the hand of my sister. "You two aren't married right?" I asked before I said anything else and Izzy brusted out laughing. "Nop. We have other plans but you will be happy about it. I and Simon want to travel around the world and in a few years we want to marry." Izzy answered with a bright smile and Simon smiled at her. "Clary, I think I remember you...wait are you the secret girlfriend Jace always let me alone for?" I asked and Clarys smiled shyly but nodded. "So you tow are a couple since the 10th grad." I noticed and Jace took her hand. "Well till now we are still just a couple but in a few months we will be a family." Jace announced happily and placed a hand on  Clarys stomach. "What the hell Clary?" Izzy yelled and looked surprised at Clary. "Sorry Jace told me to stay quiet till today." She apologized and Magnus hugged Jace again. "I am really happy for you, buddy." Magnus said and let go of Jace to hug Clary. "Concratulation, biskuit." He smiled and then I somehow felt at the wrong  place. They all were so close and at this point I started to regret that I was gone for so long. It was my fault because I isolated myself like that and Riley always told me to visit them. He always said I should visit them or call them more often but I didn't and now it bite me in the ass. "That's great, Jace." Riley smiled and Jace smiled brightly at me. "Clary, honey. What did I hear you are pregnant?" My mum came out of the kitchen and walked to Clary and Jace. Somehow I felt everyone in the family found a good replacement for me and I wasn't longer needed. It wasn't really bad I would only be here for a few weeks and my life was in Seattle anyway so why should it bother me. My eyes wandered to Magnus and I felt pain in my chest. He used to look so happy but now I saw that he wasn't happy...I  saw through the mask now. He did the same thing I did 5 years ago. He lied about his feelings for me and I couldn't be mad at him for that. I was mad at him that he only realized that he loved me now but I couldn't be mad at him for lying to me. Magnus looked so broken suddenly and I wanted to hug him and tell him it will be okay but I didn't and I couldn't. Right now I really didn't know if it would be okay....//tbc

the big drama will come soon enough. Now Alec knows how Magnus feels what will he do about that? Will he even do anything?😨😨😨😨😨😨😔😔😔😔

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