Dellia's Storyline

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My storyline for Dellia in this story is that Dellia is an outcome from her universe being destroyed in the Civil War her people had that split them into two main groups; Gōrudenraito (Golden Light) vs. Dokusatsu sa reta kage (Poisoned Shadows)

These two groups were in a way like how the Alteans and the Galra were like in Voltron: Legendary Defenders, only instead of using the energy from different dimensions or planets, it's the energy inside themselves and others of their race that they're trying to exploit.

On one side you have them wanting to use their powers and abilities to help others, while the other side wants to abuse their abilities and concur other realms in their pursuit for more power.

After many years of the fighting between these two sides, another group came into view; Shirubāburēdo (The Silver Blades)

This group wanted nothing to do with the infighting of their races, but they knew after so many years of fighting that their realm was ready to self-destruct, ready and waiting to get rid of the ugly mark in the Creator's exquisitely grand tapestry of his creations.

With the knowledge of their planet's self-destruction the leader of Shirubāburēdo, Dellia Angels, decided to gather whatever resources they had left on their planet and build an escape capsule for the last living members of the Blades to use in their endeavor to survive the genocide to come.

Ensuring that their race will live on in secret, they will carefully assimilate with the life forms on the planets they will land on's culture, ideals, and form.

The plan was close to being a success, until they were betrayed by one of their own.

The crater that was left in their forces after the ambush made it difficult for them to get everyone out, but that didn't stop Dellia from trying.

Fighting back the many opposing forces, she hoped to at least get those she cared for out, but they of course had other plans.

When her back was turned, Dellia's brother knocked her out, and dragged her to the remaining escape pod.

Once she came to, the hatch to the pod was sealed and ready to take off. Dellia was forced to watch as those she cared for were devoured and decimated by the remaining inhabitants as she left the atmosphere.

As she was sent into space, the sun of her planet collapsed on itself, beginning the downfall of their solar system, when the supernova evolved and turned into a black hole. Dellia couldn't figure if it was a good or bad thing that she was getting pulled in.

She believed that it would mean the end, sweet oblivion from the pain she's endured, but it was no such thing.

Once she reached the center, her mind and body started to break; visions of several worlds, people, families, began to appear around her.

At one she couldn't figure out if they were real or not, all she did know was that she won't make the same mistake again.

She will save them.

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