Chapter 1: A Close Call

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(A.N. I'm having where the Avengers and the S.H.I.E.L.D Agents have found a way to be immortal because I don't want my favorite heroes to die from an accident because of them trying to act like a hero in their old age. So that once Peter gets to become Spider-Man, he can join the Avengers and not their offspring. Just wanted to put that out there so that you don't ask later on why Steve is still in his twenties or why Natasha hasn't gained any silver hairs in her red locks.)

 The time when this story starts is a year or so after the attack on New York by Loki, which after later interrogations in Asgard, we learn that Thanos threatened Loki; to either attack Earth, or all of Asgard and its people would be destroyed. Yes, Loki is a good guy that is misunderstood and may have some Avengers that hate his guts for what he did but remember, this is an AU, that means this could have happened in a different universe. So Don't Hate. Appreciate. ;) 👍 By the way Stony had become a thing once the invasion was over, right now though I just don't want to get into detail with how they got together, if I get some good comments on it and if a lot of you guys ask, I may consider making a short story on them getting together. Maybe ;)

3rd person

The Avengers were coming back from another successful mission when they hear the Quin-jet's comm telling them that they have a call coming in from headquarters.

Tony groaned in annoyance as well as exhaustion.

"Can we have one day of a win and be able to go home and enjoy it?" Tony grumbled as he rubbed his brow with his still armored hand.

Steve pulled Tony's hand away from his face gently as he walked by him.

"Careful Tony, don't want you to blow your face off unknowingly." Steve said with a slight bit of humor in his voice.

Tony gave a tired laugh at that, looking at the repulsors in the palms of his Iron-Man suit.

"Never thought of that happening before." Tony mused as Steve laughed at this, rubbing Tony's head lovingly as he sat next to him.

(Am I the only one who wanted to do this when they saw Tony Stark for the first time in the Iron Man movie? No? Just me? Dang. 'XD)

"Well that's what I'm here for Tony, got to make sure that all safety measures are taken care of for my crew," Steve said as Tony gently pushed his hand off of his head.

Using his hands as combs, Tony tried to bring his hair back to its former glory.

"Why do you always have to do that Cap?" Tony complained, upset with how his hair didn't spike as well as it did before.

Steve smiled at this, kissing Tony lightly on the cheek.

"Because you are so adorable when you look so disheveled." Steve said into Tony's ear, making the young billionaire blush a light pink at this.

"Are you two lovebirds done now so I can open the link to Fury, or do you need more playtime?" Natasha said as she stood in front of them, hands on her hips as she looked at them with boredom on her face but mischief in her eyes.

Tony and Steve both laughed at this as they leaned away from each other.

"Sorry about that Nat, go ahead and call him up then." Steve said as he stood up again, Natasha rolled her eyes at this as she walked over and opened the link to Nick Fury.

"Avengers." Nick said as his face popped up on the video feed around the Quin-jet so the rest of the Avengers can see him.

All of the Avengers did their greetings to him.

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