Chapter 4: After the Fact

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(A/N This picture is just a way to show on how intelligent Peter Parker really is, and can be, and the reason for how Peter is able to think rationally even though he is just a baby. -^)

*Time skip to a day after Tony and Steve have finished adopting Peter.* 

Peter's P.O.V.

I was sitting down on a bed in what I believed was a bedroom. Papa and the man who saved me were crouched in front of me looking very excited yet also tense as I sat there playing with the hem of the new shirt they gave me. (The outfit Peter wore in Chapter 3.)

Papa was talking to me, saying that I may not understand him now, but I will be his and the other man sitting next to him with the pretty light on his chest's son.

Papa talked for a while to the other man seeming to be worried that I will have a hard time adjusting to having two dads when I used to have a mother and one father. Papa seemed to get even more upset, the other man didn't seem to know what to do to help lift Papa's spirits either.

"Mama?" I said as I pointed at the other man and gave him an inquisitive look, hoping they would laugh at the joke I made and relax. Papa laughed out loud at this while the other man made a soured face at my fun, seems to try not to laugh as well.

"No, just. No." He said, his face looked so funny at that moment that I couldn't help but laugh at it. This joke seemed to make them relax. I'm glad that it worked as well as it did.

"He was kidding Tony. Well Peter, are you ready to go and meet the rest of your family?" Papa asked as he stood up, probably getting ready to pick me up since I didn't show them my ability to walk yet.

Wanting to impress my new parents, I stood up on my two feet on the bed and looked at Papa's and Tony's surprised faces with a smile on my face and a nod.

"Yes Papa, I believe I am ready to see them," I said, smiling at their flabbergasted faces. Papa looked at Tony.

"Are you sure he isn't related to you?" Papa asked jokingly I'm guessing, Tony gave him the stink eye.

"Really Cap?" Tony asked, irritated. Not wanting him to get even madder at Papa, I decided then and there what I was going to call Tony.

I walked to the edge of the bed and jumped up into his arm and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug.

"Daddy~," I happily said as I held onto his neck. Daddy seemed to tense up at this.

'Did I do something wrong?' I wondered in my head, not wanting him to be uncomfortable if he didn't want my hugs, I let go of his neck and was starting my retreat away from him, when out of nowhere, Daddy hugged me back.

"Daddy. Heh, I can work with that." Daddy mumbled out with a small chuckle, as he held me closer, one of his hands playing with my hair as he stood up.

Not wanting him to see my tears of joy, I hugged him back just as tightly. Papa chuckled at our bonding moment and wrapped his arm around Daddy's shoulders.

"Come on Tony, let's go tell everyone the news of Peter is staying with us," Papa said as he started steering both Daddy and me do what I'm guessing is the living room.

"Everyone! We have an announcement to make!" Papa said loud enough so that everyone could hear him.

(Black Widow, Hawkeye, H.U.L.K., and my OC Dellia Angels. Man there's not many Avengers when we first see them together in  the first Avengers movie. XD)

A lot of people that I didn't know were in there. Frightened by how many faces were there I hid my face in Daddy's neck again. Daddy seemed to have noticed how nervous I was and started to rub my back reassuringly.

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