Chapter 7: A Friend for Peter Part 2

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^--Thought this was cute--^

Wade's P.O.V.

The whole elevator ride up to Peter's place done in uncomfortable silence, I'm saying that it's uncomfortable because Peter still hasn't let go of my hand since he pulled me into the elevator and pushed the button to go up. When I tried to let go of his hand, he seemed to tighten his grip on me.

"Um, Pete? I think you can let go of my hand now." I said with a slight laugh as I shook my hand to emphasize my point.

Peter seemed to jolt out of his thoughts as he looked at me with his ever-changing eyes.

'How does he do that?' I thought as they changed from green, blue, grey, brown, hazel, and then back again, as he looked at me in confusion before looking at our hands in shock.

"What? Oh! Sorry, it's just that I've never thought someone would come here and play with me and now that I know that you're here. I still can't believe that you're here and with me." Peter said as he let go and looked away from me, his face turned away from me and hidden by the shadow of his hair.

'Wait a minute.'

"This is your first time having a kid here?" I asked him.

Peter just nodded at me, not turning his face towards me.

"No way can that be true," I said with a chuckle as I shook my head and put my hands in my pockets.

"Why wouldn't it be true?" Peter whispered out as he held his Capt. Toy closer.

I stopped laughing and looked at his hunched figure more closely.

"It's because you seem way too nice for kids not to want to be around you and be your friend," I said as I kept looking at him.

He gave me a weak chuckle.

"That's not what they said," Peter whispered out even quieter to the point that I could barely hear what he was saying.

"Well, what did they say?" I said gruffly, not liking where this was going.

Peter jumped as if surprised that I heard him, but then turned away again and looked away from me.

"It's nothing that you have to worry about, let's just go and have some fun together alright?" Peter said with forced cheerfulness, as he turned around and gave me a forced fake smile.

I just glared at him.

"How 'bout you tell me the truth instead?" I asked as I looked at him more closely, Peter tightened his hold on his doll.

"I don't know what you mean Wade? I've been telling you the truth this whole time." Peter said with even more forced cheer.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close to my face so that our noses were only an inch apart.

"Don't give me that crap Peter! Do you want us to become friends?" I asked him as I looked him straight in the eye.

Peter's eyes seemed to change their color even faster, almost hypnotically, as he looked at me with fear in them as he nodded his head.

"I can't hear you."

"Y-yes, I-I w-would like y-you t-to b-be my f-friend." Peter stuttered out as he kept looking at me, I than startled everyone in the elevator as I pulled him into a hug.

"Then believe in me and tell me the truth Peter, if we're going to be friends, we need to trust one another and not lie to one another. Do you understand what I am telling you, Peter?" I said as I whispered it into his ear.

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