Chapter 11: Silent Threats Are The Most Deadly >:3

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^--You'll understand this title very soon. ;3 Also I'd like to add this in incase someone thinks that once I turn Petey into Spidey I will over power him or something so here is my proof to his amazing abilities. --^

3rd P.O.V.

When Wade and Peter were getting closer to the playground, Peter started to lose his nerve as they got closer to the kids that were playing on it as he began to slow down his pace and began to fall behind Wade again.

Noticing what was happening, Wade let go of Peter's hand and went behind him, his hands on Peter's back as he started to push Peter forward lightly.

"You're not chickening out now Peter. I won't allow you to chicken out." Wade said firmly into Peter's ear as he continued to push Peter forward.

Peter's only response was a strangled mewl as he tried to dig his heels in as Wade continued their forward movement without hindrance it seemed.

'Why does this boy have to act so cute all the time?!' Wade thought, grateful for the fact that Peter couldn't see his blushing face as he continued onwards with Peter, Peter's arms latched on to the front of Wade's hoodie as they went.

Once they got closer, the kids started to realize Peter's presence, especially one kid, in particular, Flash Thompson.

Once Flash noticed Peter coming over he smirked and began the usual bullying they did to Peter.

"Hey look everybody! It's Puny Peter Porker!" Flash shouts out, everyone laughing at what he said and at Peter's frightened face. Some of the kids continuing the jeering as they watched Peter's face slowly crumble into tears, his face soon hidden by the sleeves of his hoodie as he tried to hide his crying face, none of the kids noticing the kid behind Peter as they did this.

When Wade heard the kids jeering at Peter, and felt Peter's shoulders shake from fear and crying, a switch seemed to have gone off inside Wade as his eyes started to gain a wicked gleam.

(A/N His face looks sort of like when an anime/manga character gets really pissed off and part of their face goes black as their left eye becomes a red demonic light.)

"Aww, what's wrong Puny Porker? Did you finally realize how much of a freak you and your faggot of a family are?!" Flash jeers out, the other kids making their comments on Peter and his family, making Peter even more upset as he tried to hide himself ever deeper into his hoodie, not wanting to be there anymore.

"Psh! He's pathetic, let's just beat him up and take whatever he has on him." A tomboy girl known as Trey said, some of the little gadgets and gizmos that she had stolen from Peter before, in her hands as she fiddled with them.

"I agree, we should also toss him in the garbage so that he can be with his own kind." A rich boy with spiked red hair, known as Evan, said snootily, his sister Bella agreeing with him.

Wade was slowly losing it as he listened to Peter's crying and the bullying of the kids in front of them.

As this continued, some of the kids that were laughing at Peter started noticing something off when they felt a killing aura behind Peter.

Once they looked to where it was, the laughter slowly started to die out until only Flash was the only one left.

Once Flash noticed what everyone was looking at, he went into a cold sweat as he saw what everyone thought was a demon behind Peter.

Its blood-red hood was shadowing the demon's face, allowing only a demonic smile and a bright blood-red laser for an eye that seemed to stab itself into your soul as it slowly tried to kill you from the inside out. The aura around it was like black tentacles that looked to wrap around everyone and begin to squeeze them to death.

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