Bouquet~Solangelo and Percabeth

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters just the plot and any languages are translated from google translate. Even the picutres aren't mine.

Nico wanted to get married.

It wasn't a sudden thought just one that passed his mind as they got ready for Percy and Annabeth's wedding. It took Percy three years to propose. Three whole years.

While planning the wedding the thought had passed his mind so casually that he didn't even think about it until later.

Which was weird because usually he focused his thoughts. The only time he doesn't is when he's sleepy.

But he and the other ten or more people had been stressed with planning Percabeth's wedding and making it perfect that it had infected his sleeping habits. After the Giant War a few years ago he had a horrible sleeping habit of not sleeping because of Tartarus nightmares. It had taken him a few months to get it back to normal. With the help of his boyfriend, Will Solace.

Nico wasn't afraid to say that he loved Will anymore and he loved Will with all his heart, and everyone knew it too.

"-W-what if she says no last minute? What if-?" Percy was pacing a hole in the floor in the room they were in.

Percy and Annabeth decided to have a relatively small wedding with only family and friends invited. The wedding was beautiful with sea green and grey themes.

He begrudgingly admits that he's a bit jealous.

"Percy, if she hasn't left you yet she isn't going to back out now." Will's amused voice says from across the room. He was tying his tie but seemed to be struggling because the tie was one big knot.

"I know." Percy muttered frantically as he paced some more.

Nico finished tying his tie and went over to Will who was across the room looking in a mirror.

"Will." Nico rolled his eyes at his boyfriends mess of a tie. "You need to learn how to tie a tie."

Will blushed and let Nico untie his tie and do it right for him. "Where did you learn how to tie a tie anyway?" Will asked him curiously because Will never thought to ask before.

He smiled up at Will as he finished untying his gigantic knot and started to do it properly. "My Mom taught me when I was younger because she thought it was something I should know how to do at a young age."

Will gave him a small kiss and a wide smile as thanks as he tightened his new and improved tie. "My Mom wanted to do that but I got impatient."

Nico laughed a bit at that. He imagined young Will getting fustrated at his tie while Naomi (his mother) tried to explain how to do it. It was a cute image.

The marrige and vows were absolutely beautiful.

It was amazing. And it he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was going do happen. But the feeling was something good. Not bad.

The after party was really good too. The cake looked and tasted good, especially with a bit of wine.

Then it it was time for Annabeth to throw the bouquet.

Annabeth gathered all the ladies behind her and made a small speech about what the beautiful flowers stood for. Which was so like his friend that he smiled a bit. He and Annabeth were on friendly terms. They were close but not as close as he was with Piper.

Will was leaning on a table while he was talking to him quietly or as quiet as you were going to get during a party.

"-n wants to propose to Piper." Will was saying with a small smile. "I kind of want her to catch the bouquet to be honest."

Nico took a small sip of his wine with an agreeing nod before putting the empty glass down on the table. "I agree. I think she deserves it."

Nico would like it if Hazel got the bouquet too or any of the girls for that matter. He thinks Hazel is too young to get married just yet. Even if Frank is older then Percy or even Jason.

Nico lets Will ramble on for while. A small smile appearing on his lips. Will looks so content just talking about anything, not even caring if Nico was listening or not.

Nico was so focused on his thoughts that he barely remembers Will blue eyes widening as he looks toward the right and lips parting to warn him of something.

He remembers turning and seeing an object heading right toward his head before he was holding the object. The moment was terrifying because the object could have a knife and his demigod instincts would have caught it anyway.

Instead of a knife or anything that could potentially harm him, it

A bouquet of flowers was sitting in his hands. They looked oldly fimilar he grumbled in his mind. It was because it was the bouquet Annabeth was supposed to have thrown.

But then his brain processed what this ment and blushed a deep shade of cherry red and tried to hide his face within the beautiful white and blue flowers.

The party seemed to have stopped a second to have stared at his embarrassment. Without even glanced over he could tell his boyfriends face was just as red as his. Maybe even more so.

Then he saw the shocked look of Sally Jackson's face and the disapointed looks of the female audience.

He was then sure he was going to die of embarassment until a shocked Jason Grace started to clap and slowly everyone else joined in.

He looked up at Will as he shifted closer to him. Will grinned and in the moment kissed him slowly on the lips for a few seconds. That made the audience applause harder.

"Now we have to get married." Nico whispered as they parted with a teasing smile on his lips.

Will grinned and shrugged causually. Then Nico yelped as he got pulled closer by his waist. He didn't think his face could get any redder until his boyfriend plucked a flower out of his hands and put it behind his ear.

"So now will you marry me Deathboy? Or do I have to say Doctors Orders." Will made sure the seven and Sally Jackson could hear the conversation as he said this by saying it loudly.

The silence was deafening once again.

Nico couldn't keep the tears of happiness from streaming down his face nor could he keep the grin and laughter from his lips.

"Of course I will Sunshine."

This time the cheers were so loud he almost covered his ears and told them to shut up if it weren't for them being tangled in Will's hair and the lips that were on his own.

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