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June 26 was the happiest day of his life.

Nico di Angelo had just shadow traveled to McDonald's to get a sandwich before heading out with his boyfriend to do errands when he heard the news.

The McDonalds he always goes to has this little TV at the front, it was mounted to the wall. A weird smell always flew into his nose that was a mixture of peoples cologne and delicious food.

Except when he got there, there was a horde of people gathered at the TV and was staring intensely at it. They almost looked like hyena's about to attack. Every expression was strained and stances were tense. No one was working the register.

He wondered what was holding them up.

He pushed people aside as he got inside as the crowds were filling in the doors. Soon he was standing at the front of the crowd with many glares shot at his head. Probably had he stepped on many toes and pushed to many arms.

On the TV was the president he was rambling on about something. "...same sex marriage in the U.S. has now been legalized on June 26...".

Shock flooded him.

Being from the period where being gay could kill you if anyone found out, this was life changing. And filled him with excitement. He could legally marry his boyfriend, even if he was only sixteen years old. Never had he thought homosexuality would totally excepted.

The biggest grin found it's way onto his face. A grin he couldn't fight nor wouldn't.

An old lady next to him tapped his arm. He looked at the old lady and then asked her what she needed as politely as he could manage.

The older lady gave him a small smile. "Can you help me through the crowds? People these days are terribly rude to an old lady like me".

Of course he would help the older lady.

The older lady gripped his arm as he made (shoved) his way through the crowd again. This time it took longer with more people at the doors peaking in. Briefly he wondered if she was a monster but he didn't care at the moment. He would just shadow travel away anyway.

After he had made his way out the doors and the old lady thanked him. Then could he smile brightly again and shadow travel away. Hopefully the mist was working well in that area.

The cold sensation and screams of ghosts trying to make him stay couldn't dampen his spirits. All he thought about was going to his boyfriend.

He appeared at the Hades table in the pavilion for sacrificing. The camp was all standing the hall where Dionysus was showing the news with a hologram. His sunny boyfriend had to be here somewhere.

Once the demigods noticed his presence they grinned at him and moved aside one by one. Each demigod had a rainbow painted on their cheek. It said which side they were on.

The seven were standing next to Will in the front. The blonde didn't notice him until Jason shoved him in his direction.

The look of pride on Will's face was evident and the blonde was still wearing a hospital scrub T-shirt. To him it was the best look the son of Apollo could go for right now.

Everyone was staring at them now.

He was running and launched himself into his boyfriends taller frame. Will stumbled but hugged him back fiercely. He was grinning and felt Will do the same into his shirt. His arms wrapped around Will's neck. They could get married.

Lips pressed against his own in a kiss. They kissed and kissed until they hadn't any breath left and just stood there with their foreheads touching.

A breathless laugh bubbled out of him that got minored by the love of his life.

"We will get married someday", Will promised. The freckles dotting his cheeks glowed a bit and sky blue eyes lit up like nothing else mattered. A blushed formed his cheeks.

"Yeah" He agreed wholeheartedly. They will definitely get married in the future. The would definitely get married like everyone else. It was a few years away and it will take everyone by storm.

He couldn't wait.

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