Claustrophobia~Nico di Angelo

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The hydra roared as Reyna Avila-Ramirez Arellano pulled him around the street corner.

Nico was supposed to shadow travel her back to Camp Jupiter but he had miscounted and landed somewhere in Nevada. Will Solace had warned him to be careful with the shadow traveling but had gave him permission nonetheless. The deal was with Will that he'd go to sleep, eat and gain energy before shadow traveling back.

None of them had counted on if he missed his intended spot.

He would never admit this aloud but his body was not ready for shadow traveling quite yet. He was still quite skinny from that stupid jar and Tartarus.

The twin giants had caught him off guard and captured him. He had been stupid and let his guard down enough that they captured him and stuffed him in a glass jar for five days. Luckily he had some pomegranate seeds on him or he'd be dead.

The death trance had been quite helpful too.

Reyna was practically carrying him around corners because he was boneless after the travel. Shadow traveling made him useless after long jumps now.

"Duck!" The daughter of Bellona shouted as the Hydra shot fire at us. He has awake enough to hit the deck, Reyna's arms protected him from any extra fire.

They had developed a sibling bond and Reyna was his sister in every way but blood. It was an unspoken thing between them after the Gigantomachy.

Reyna was panting and her brown hair was falling out of her usual side braid. She was waring a Camp Half blood t-shirt and jeans. It was the most casual thing he'd ever seen her wear and it suited her, made her look like a normal teenage girl. Not one of the Roman Legion praetors.

The hydra was approaching them fast on it's four legs and five heads. He might have made the mistake of cutting a head off. Oops. Plus, they had no fire.

"We need to hide" Reyna stated. "It might not be the best option but we have no fire or good weapons". She was right. We had Reyna's and his sword and that was it. Both of us thought this would be a quick trip. What they needed was a place so he could rest and then shadow travel them away from any danger.

He was tired and droopy. But adrenaline was coursing through him.

Reyna pulled him toward a hole in ground, it was next to one of the brick buildings they had traveled too. They had barely fit through it in time before the hydra was heard crashing through the structure.

He winced. Even if it was a monster, it sounded painful.

"The legion has multiple safe spots" Reyna informed him, putting her backpack down on a large rock. "This just happens to be one of the ones nearby".

The safe spot was essentially a tiny hole in the ground. Big enough for four people to lay with a humongous rock in the back to put their stuff on. He could already feel himself getting claustrophobic at the description.

One of the changes in him after the war was that he couldn't stand being in a tiny space for more than ten minutes. Or in crowded areas. The Stoll's learned this the hard way when they locked him in a closet and he had a full on panic attack/flashback.

Reyna looked at him with softened eyes. She was never this soft with anyone but him and never around with people watching. Reyna knew what he went through, she had personally felt what it was like in the jar.

Bryce Lawrence made sure of it.

He could feel his sense of dread and panic rising. What if the hydra stayed all night? What if it blocked the entrance?

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