That One Scar: Part Four~ Percabeth

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The nightmare that night had been horrible.

He was seven years old again in his Mom's old apartment. Smelly Gabe's beer cans and trash littered the living room. Smelly Gabe himself was sitting in the couch and playing poker with his buddies.

Percy at the time had known his mother was at work and would be home soon. Even though he was seven, he had a decent grasp of his Mom's work hours.

Mommy hold him she worked three jobs and wasn't home often. He loved when she was though. Smelly Gabe wasn't as mean to him.

Today Smelly Gabe had told him to sit and be quiet in his room all day. Which was hard for Percy sense he couldn't sit still.

He could hear Smelly Gabe's buddies drunkenly laughing and he tried to ignore them and color his picture blue.

"Haha! Gabe when's the last time you had sex with the bitch? I heard she screamed!" One of the men drunkenly slurred. "I bet it was great!".

Little Percy didn't know what they were talking about but couldn't help but hear. All he had known was that they were insulting his mother and he didn't like it. Mommy said not to use those words, they were bad words.

Smelly Gabe laughed right along side his buddies and bragged. "Of course the slut did! She thinks she's protecting her idiot of a son!".

His lips trembled a bit as Smelly Gabe and his buddies made fun of Mommy. Mommy was nice, she didn't deserve this. He didn't like this.

"I need a beer! Kid bring me a beer!" One of the men shouted out at him.

He stood up on shaky legs and ran to the kitchen as fast as possible. Little Percy almost tripped about a dozen times going to the fridge. They didn't like to be kept waiting.

As he approached the round table and handed the man his beer the men continued to make fun of his Mommy. They called her bad words and such.

"Mommy is not those words." The exclamation was quiet but the men all turned towards him. He fought the erg to whimper and cower. He wouldn't give Gabe the satisfaction though. "Mommy is nice and very kind."

Smelly Gabe turned his disgusted gaze on him and raised his drunken eyebrows. Then he laughed loudly. "How would you know that brain boy? She's never here." He slurred the words.

One of Gabe's 'friends' (Percy thought his name was Charles), snickered and sloshed his drink all over himself while pointing his fat finger at him. "Do you even discipline this boy Gabe? He's questioning you." The very overweight man was talking to his step father but was looking at him.

"Mommy said differently." The words were out of Percy's mouth before his seven year old brain could comprehend. He didn't want one of Gabe's punishments again. But he couldn't let them talk bad about Mommy.

The drunk Charles growled at his smart remark and abruptly stood up. "You kid! Keep your mouth shut! You have no right to talk! So what if the cunt said differently?!"

He was scared. What was the man going to do to him? Would it be like Gabe? He wanted to cry.

Smelly Gabe just looked at him with disgust and loathing. Like he wanted to either torture him or kill him in cold blood.

"Mommy is not!" The words passed his lips right as he thought it. His fear became ten times stronger when Charles growled and pulled something out of his pocket.

Percy barely had time to put his hands up to protect his face before something when flying at him. It was the last thing he remembered as his world became blank.

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