That One Scar:Part Three~Percy Jackson

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A/N: I'm probably going to make this into a separate book!

Apollo did protect him that morning or whatever time it was. Percy had gotten the most peaceful sleep he'd ever had sense he was seven.

It nice to for once to you know, drift off into no where and be at peace and have absolutely nothing happen for hours straight. Was it hours? He couldn't tell.

What woke him up though was the smell of blue cookies. Typical right? If he smells blue cookies that means Apollo kept his word and brought him to his mother's house. It wasn't at all surprising. After all, Apollo was different from most gods.

Percy finally cracked his eyes open to see the dim sunlight in his eyes. He groaned and shut them again. With the pillow under his head and his body sinking into the matrice a bit he never wanted to get up. It would be amazing if he could stay here the rest of his life.

But no because Annabeth would miss him. He should call her after he ate something. He did miss her terribly.

The blue Nemo blanket fell off him as he stood up. The ground was cold against his bare feet and he wondered if Apollo had taken his shoes off before putting him to bed.

Anyway, he headed to the dresser to get clothing and then headed to the shower. He doesn't want Mom or Paul to walk in on him in a towel and see the horrible scars now would he?

As he undressed for the shower he tried not to look at himself in the mirror. He doesn't to be reminded of the torment his life is.

Half way to succeeding he manages to glimpse the giant scar on his ribcage. It was long, stretching from the top of his right ribcage and going to the bottom of his left one. The scar wasn't nearly as thick as the one on his hand but it had been painful nonetheless.

Some monster had given it to him. It was a random hellhound he had apparently killed during the Second Titan War. It was how he killed it.

It made his sad to think that monsters get killed by them only to reform in Tartarus, escape and then to die again. Imagine if you had to live through that?


The shower he took was nice and long. It was nice. The only reason he got out was because his stomach was complaining at him.

Nothing could beat Mom's cooking. Nothing, besides Ambrosia and Nectar. But that was a given.

He got dressed in jeans and a his usual blue t-shirt. Then took a satisfied breath and left the room to go find his Mother.

When he passed the living room Paul was in it holding his baby sister, Estelle. Estelle was only a few months old with a tuff of brown hair and dark brown eyes, similar to Paul's. He loved his baby sister already even if he didn't have a lot of time for her.

He smiled at them. It was nice seeing them together.

Estelle made various baby noises as she reached for Paul's hair or something to grab onto. Percy knew Paul knew of his Mom's and his own abuse and would never raise a hand to them. Paul never mentioned it before. It was bound to come up.

He also knew Mom had scars on her hips, sometimes her shirt would come up a bit and he would get a gruesome reminder that his mother went through sexual and physical abuse too. That he hadn't been enough to protect her.

Although, he wasn't sure mom knew he suffered abuse.

Paul glanced up as he walked through the door and smiled back at him. "Hello Percy! Have a nice sleep?" His third fatherly figure asked him.

"It was nice and peaceful." He admitted to the man. "No dreams what so ever." This time his grin was crooked and happy.

Estelle squirmed in Paul's arms and her little head peaked at him. She looked him with big brown eyes and made grabby motions at him, babbling baby nonsense.

Paul laughed a bit and motioned for him to come hold her. "I have to help set the table for you mother anyway. Besides, you two need more bonding time".

He moved toward the couch nervously and sat next to Paul. No matter how many times he held Estelle, he would always be nervous about dropping her or holding her wrong. He hadn't much time lately to visit between training campers, visiting New Rome, gods, Annabeth and Tartarus. He still regretted not visiting sooner.

Estelle settled in his arms with the crook of her head in his chest. She was wide awake and staring at him with a curiously happy look. He felt like he was holding glass, she was so small in his arms.

Paul knowingly smiled and quietly crept out of the room to help Sally.

Percy leaned back against the couch with his legs crossed. As he glazed at Estelle he had a bit of time to think about what happened the last day or so.

The meeting on Olympus was not at all pleasant. By now he would have expected Zeus to throw a fit and blast him with lightning or cruelly punish Apollo for helping a demigod, or him for screaming at them and loosing his temper.

He also expected them to treat him like glass now or be pitiful to him. The one thing he hated was pity. Apollo hadn't had pity for him. Poseidon had some pity for him but mostly it seemed that Poseidon had blamed himself. It wasn't his father's fault.

Then the panic attack in the elevator. He would make sure not to use the elevator again anytime soon. Apollo had been brotherly to him and just was there to comfort him. It gave him a arm feeling in his chest. He'd never really had an older brother figure before. Besides Luke but that was a different story.

He could feel Estelle's soft breath on him as she slept peacefully. A fond smile lit his face.

"Percy!" He could hear his mother call from the kitchen. "Dinner time!".

Tomorrow he would Iris message Annabeth and return to Camp. Right now he would just enjoy his family.

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