Papa's Jacket~ Nico di Angelo

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Bianca di Angelo looked at her father with pleading eyes. "Pwease can I have a cookie?".

Hades sighed exasperated and held the bridge of his nose in annoyance. What was with these children nowadays with cookies and sweets? He didn't get it. Besides, Maria would murder him if he gave their children cookies before dinner.

His seven year old daughter pouted and teared up at him. Gods she looked to much like Maria to be able to deny her anything. Sternly he stubbornly looked away.

"No." Hades said, "No more cookies before dinner."

Bianca stomped her foot in a tantrum and madly stomped away. Going to vent her anger on some pour stuffed animal she had in her room.

He took a deep calming breath. Children. He didn't understand them.

From the corner of the living room, his four year old son looked confused at them and then grinned again as he played with his toys.

Nico was oddly happy for a child of the Underworld. Unlike any of his other siblings Nico was never quiet or sad as a baby. He was the opposite, always happy and giggly. Getting excited over the littlest things and babbling on about his toys for hours. It was weird to think that his son would be leading armies in the next few decades. Especially with Zeus being more bratty than normal.

He mentally frowned. He seriously hoped that the Olympians would get their shit together and leave him and his wife and family out of it. He cares deeply about what happens to the Di Angelo's. They've grown on him. Persephone may not be happy with him right now but leave the Di Angelo's out of it. They were only mortals after all.

Hades wouldn't let any god or mortal interfere with his happiness.

A small hand poked his knee. Dark brown eyes peered up at him innocently. "Up Papa!" The little boy demanded with his hands raised.

Hades picked the small toddler up into his lap. Were the boy stared babbling about what he had been playing and how much fun it had been. It was greatly amusing.

His brothers would be in shock if they saw him in this moment with a four year old in his lap and him actually being fatherly.

The only reason he was babysitting or interacting with his children was Maria. She had forced him to interact and play with them. To love them. Right now she was grocery shopping for dinner.

Maria had demanded simple things like picnics in the park or lunches in petty dinners. Personally he wanted to spoil her rotten with expensive gifts and five star restaurants with diamond jewelry. She just wouldn't accept it.

It was at that moment that Nico decided that he wanted cuddles from his Papa. Papa never gave him cuddles.

Nico snuggled deeply into Hades's robe and Hades had to hold onto the child or else he would fall and hurt himself. Even if he did it wasn't a big drop to the floor anyway.

Persephone was expecting him in the Underworld soon and would by pissed off at him for not telling her where he was at the moment. She was used to him cheating now and actually came to the house to meet Maria. Maria had not known it was his wife and offered a snack. Persephone was shocked at the woman's kindness, as she had told him and allowed him to see her for short period of time. They had hit off well enough.

She wouldn't stand anymore than that though. It was understandable.

"Papa!" A scared voice shrieked from upstairs. "A spider!". Heavens to Zeus that child had Maria's loud voice. That woman could put Zeus to shame.

Hades first attempt at leaving resulted in Nico digging his finger nails into his skin. Even if he was immortal it still hurt to a degree to get stabbed by nails. So he slowly pride the nails off of him and settled him on the couch he was sitting on and left him with his jacket.

He would be right back anyway. What could a child do in five minutes?

He debated whether or not to travel through the shadows to Bianca's room. Yes it would be faster but the four year old was drawn to the shadows like none of his children before. It was slightly unnerving and would probably wake him up.

And he needed to stop thinking like Athena.

Hades quickly navigated his way to his daughter's bedroom that was adorned in silver and purple. Over by the doll house Bianca was huddled in the shadows, a tiny dust spider in front of her minding it's own business.

"Papa kill it!". The seven year old shrieked again when the spider moved and burst into tears.

He sighed again and waited for a headache to on slot him. Honestly kids these days and spiders.

Snapping his fingers the shadows listened to his command and traveled the spider to somewhere in New England. Where it could hopefully scare more people.

Where was Maria? She was taking an awfully long time.

Bianca sniffed and wiped her tears on the backs off her hands. Then set on smiling at him like nothing happened.

"Grazie Papa". She told him before ignoring him again to play with her dolls with the doll house he'd given her on her last birthday. The horrid thing was bright pink and a foot tall. It was thing of many of his nightmares. Unfortunately, Bianca loved it and was the reason why he hadn't rid of it yet.

Hades huffed and shadow traveled downstairs to see if his son was okay. Nico was being oddly quiet.

The sight in the living room left him in shock. There Nico stood wearing his spirit infused robe looking tiny and small. He almost wished he'd stay that way forever and discarded the thought. Children where a lot of work. How did woman stand to have more then one around?

The shadows totally engulfed the small living room in tiny bursts and Nico was giggling as the shadows messed with spirits on his robe. The spirits shrieked not unlike Bianca and withering when the shadows touched it.

Nico was laughing, giggling and having great fun with it. When he had gained his thoughts back the little boy smiled at him brightly. His son looked....adorably cute in a way with the robe being three times as big as him.

"Papa!". Nico grinned at him. "Play!". He couldn't deny his children anything and just this once he would give in to his children's bantering.

And that's how Maria found him that day. Passed out on the couch with their two children curled into him from exhaustion thirty minutes later. Needless to say she was shocked and took a picture of this life time opportunity.

Hades didn't go back to the Underworld until the next day.

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