Chapter Nine

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"Why is this food so good?" Tiffany asked as she shoved another piece of pancake into her mouth. She was correct. Bea's was the best place to eat on the Gold Coast.

"I don't know. They probably put drugs in it." Everyone laughed. Maybe I was right, because I didn't think that was very funny.

"Maddie, don't say stuff like that. They'll kick us out!" Alli said as she sipped her milkshake.

"Whatever. They love me here. They'll never kick me out. They'd miss me too much." I said winking at one of the cooks. She just laughed.

"It's not drugs, just spices kids." The cook yelled out. We were the only ones there because it was a Monday morning and most people were at work.

"Teach Alli something! She can't cook, at all!" Cody yelled.

"Alli, I agree with him. Sorry." Jake said causing all us to break into laughter.

"Guys, I think I'm the next Rachel Ray. Just minus the whole cooking part. Other people can do it for me right? Then I eat it with a smile on my face?" Alli questioned. It seemed possible.

"That would be a terrible show." I choked out during our laughing, which just caused more laughing.

"Okay guys. Let's stop being mean." Cody said after we had calmed our laughter down. The waitresses were so confused but they were laughing too. Not with us, but who cared?

"So, Alli have you had many modeling jobs out in L.A?" Giana asked and Alli then told her about how she was modeling for a company called Pastry and she went on and on about how cute the shoes were and since she modeled for them she got a free pair of each.

"That's so cool!" Tiff said. She was obsessed with shoes.

"Check please?" Cody yelled over to the waitresses and they gladly brought the check over. Cody put a his credit card in the little compartment and write a tip amount on the slip.

"How much did you tip? I asked.

"Twenty dollars. I figured that means like five a person." He said. What a nice guy.


"What the fuck!" I screamed when I looked at my home page.

"Maddie, calm down." Nicole said as she came in my room.

"Nicole, how am I supposed to calm down when there's a picture of my boyfriend kissing another girl, from a week ago!" I yelled.

"No.." Nicole said running over to the laptop to see the evidence.

"Yeah. Some chick named Kylie Jenner. Oh my fucking god. That's one of the Kardashions." I said.

"Hollywood's new couple, Cody Simpson and Kylie Jenner kiss on their way into the movies on their Friday night date in downtown L.A." Nicole read aloud. That just made it hurt worse. I closed the laptop and just sat there. How could he do this to me?

"Hello?" Alli said when she answered her phone.

"Who the hell is Kylie Jenner?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Maddie, I think you should talk to Cody about this." She said.

"Alli, please just tell me! I really don't want to talk to him. Because I will start yelling at him and I don't like yelling." I said.

"Okay, well Kylie is this girl in L.A. She's related to the Kardashions and her and Cody went on a date last Friday." Alli said.

"I know that, but what's going on between them? I'm on my homepage and there's a picture of them kissing and it's saying that they're -" She cut me off.

"A picture of them kissing! Cody!" She screamed. Ouch, my ears.

"What Alli?" Cody said in a bored voice.

"You and Kylie kissed? What the fuck? The you come here and are all sweet with Maddie? What the hell is wrong with you!" Alli once again screamed. Jeez, she needed some anger management classes.

"Okay first of all, she kissed me, and it wasn't even a real date, her manager just wanted us to go for publicity, wait. How do you know that there was a kiss? Oh shit, are there pictures? Maddie. Oh god." Cody explained. When he said my name he sounded upset or scared. I couldn't tell.

"She's on the phone with me if you'd like to say anything else. She probably heard everything." Alli said then the phone was picked up and thrown.

"Maddie? It was nothing. I pushed her off and left after." Cody said, no, he was worried.

"Swear?" I asked.

"Swear." He said.

"Well you better call someone because everyone thinks you and that chick are dating.' I said.

"Ew, that's so gross. Okay, I'll call you later okay?" He said. I laughed at the comment of her being gross.

"Okay." I said still chuckling a little.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said as I smiled. Then we hung up. Our relationship was so simple, it's because we trusted each other.


"Come back to L.A with me." Cody said suddenly. We were on the beach just watching the waves.

"What?" I said surprised.

"Maddie, I love you way too much to just leave here without you." Cody said holding my hands.

"My parents-"

"Already agreed. They said that you're basically staying with family. You'll be able to get home schooled with us and, you get to be with me." He said. My parents had agreed to this. Oh my god.

"It's just like the song.." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. He smiled and gave me a hug.

"I wouldn't have taken no for answer. You were coming no matter what." Cody said before he kissed me.


"Alli! I have the greatest news ever!" I screamed as I went to her room.

"You're coming to live with us in L.A?" She said her eyes wide with excitement. I just nodded my head and gave her a bear hug. Not only would I be living with my boyfriend, I'd also be living with my best friend. How much better can life get?

The hardest thing was saying good bye to everyone here. I told the girls that we'd keep in touch through texting and stuff but the time difference made it so hard. I told my parents that I would check in almost every week and they voted I visit at least four times a year. Not likely but, I assured them I'd try. I probably gave Nicole, Ty, and Anna the biggest hugs. Nicole was really going to need me but she could fend for herself. I felt awful leaving my family like this but at least I had spent my birthday with them.

As the plane took off I looked at the ocean. I'd miss it so much, but there was an ocean in L.A too. Cody held my hand and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back. This is what I'd always wanted.



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