Chapter Two

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"That is not the Jake Henderson I know." Giana said. 

"But, I guess, maybe it's better than him being a complete tool." Jess said. 

"Maddie, he's, like, perfect." Tiffany said.  

"Tiffany? How is he perfect?" Giana asked. 

"Well, he's a complete hunk, and he has a soft side." She explained. We were amazed, Jake Henderson had a soft side and he showed it to me. 

"Well, Maddie. Looks like you have the perfect boyfriend." Jess said. 

"We aren't dating!" I said. 

"Jessica Deland, are you an idiot? She'd look like such a slut if her and Jake started dating this quickly." Giana said. 

"Nick and you weren't dating for that long. You can get away with going out with Jake in like two weeks." Tiffany said. This was true. Nick and I had only been dating for like two months. I could move on fast. 

"Guys, we're friends with Jake Henderson's future girlfriend." Jess pointed out. 

"Maybe I can get Drew Pond to finally ask me out. He does sports with Jake.." Giana said. She liked Drew and Drew liked her. They were both too shy to talk to each other so now maybe he'll make a move. As for Jess and Tiffany, they didn't care for any of Jake's friends. 


(About 2 weeks later) 

"So who is this Jake that you're talking to all the time?" My father, Lucas, asked. My dad wasn't really the most thrilling guy. He worked at an office all day then came home and watched re-runs of Friends until he fell asleep in his lounger. He lived in an apartment building, in the penthouse. He had a good job, but he hated it. But that's work right? My mom and dad got divorced almost right after my sister Anna, she's eight now, was born. I was seven. The twins, Ty and Nicole, were five. We take turns living with them. My mom, Macy, is a doctor. With her we live in a closed off estate community. She re-married. Peter is an olympic swimmer. He's nice, but he's not a father.  

"Just a guy." I replied. 

"That's what you said about Nick. What happened to you two?" He questioned. We almost never talked. Why is he caring so much? 

"It just didn't work out. Kind of like you and mom." I said getting up from the dinner table. That was rude but I honestly didn't care.  

"I'm just trying to make conversation!" He yelled after me. 

"But you picked the wrong subject." I mumbled loud enough so that he could hear, then I shut the door to my room. I grabbed some of my stuff and walked down the hall. 

"And where do you think you're going?" My dad asked.  

"To Mom's. She doesn't interrogate me on who I talk to." I said. 

"And how are you going to get there?" He questioned. 

"I'll take a bus!" I yelled slamming the door. I just wanted to get away from him. 

I ended up taking a city bus to a street a few blocks from the expensive looking gated community my mom and Peter lived in. I didn't have my key so I had to use the annoying doorbell. It was like a clock striking twelve but with like birds humming, and trumpets, I have no idea, so don't ask me. 

"Honey, hi, what are you doing here?" My mom asked. 

"Dad is a freaking idiot and needs to mind his own business." I explained. 

"Understood." She said closing the door. "So has Jake asked you out yet?"  

"Not yet. But I have a feeling he will." I said smiling. I told my mom just about everything.  

"Well, it's late. I'm going to bed. Want a ride tomorrow?" She asked. 

"No. Jake said he'll come get me. Thanks though." I said as I walked up the stairs to my room. Beige with white trim, zebra comforter on my nearly king sized bed, light blue pillows laying neatly against the headboard. I loved this room, it was my sanctuary. 


"Good morning." Jake said as I got into the car.  

"How are you so peppy? It's 7 in the morning." I asked my eyes feeling heavy. 

"It's called a grande." He said holding up a Starbucks cup. 

"Oh my god. Take me to the closest place I can get one of those." I said. He laughed and turned on his blinker. 

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. May I take your order?" An overly joyed man asked. 

"What do you want?" Jake asked. 

"Ice coffee please." I said smiling and reaching for my backpack. 

"Yeah, can I get one grande ice coffee."  

"Okay. Will that be all today?" 


"Okay, that will be $6.45. Please roll up to the window." 

"Almost seven dollars for a coffee?! What has the world come to?" I said. 

"Once you get it, you'll never go anywhere else. I promise." Jake said. Why did he have to be so darn cute? 

We pulled up to the window, I insisted to pay but Jake refused pulling out his wallet. I got the coffee and stared. It was huge. I took a sip. Pure heaven.  

"Oh my god. Where has Starbucks been all my life?" Jake laughed.  

We got to school and as we were walking in something happened. Something big. More than big, huge. Jake and I were in the parking lot, walking towards the school, drinking our coffee and talking when Jake grabs my hand and suddenly they are intertwined. He didn't let go until we parted for class. I felt like a princess. A complete princess. 


I walked into third block and the girls surrounded me. 

"You and Jake were spotted holding hands this morning! Whaaat?!" Jess basically screamed. All I could do was smile because after hearing that my morning was reality, I was speechless. 


"Maddie! Wait up!" I heard Jake yell as I was headed to his car. 

"Hey." I said when he caught up. 

"Guess what I did today?" He said excitedly. 

"What?" I said as I jumped onto the open door of the bed of his truck. 

"I skipped Spanish."  

"But why are you excited about that?" I asked. 

"You tell me." He said going to the passenger side door. When he came back he had a bouquet of flowers. He handed them to me. 

"What are these for?" I asked. 

"Well, I was going to do something huge but I decided to save you from the embarrassment. " He said. 

"What embarrassment?" I said, I was so confused. 

"Well, it was either ask you out using flowers in the parking lot or the school announcements tomorrow." My mouth dropped but I caught my jaw before it hit the ground.  

"Wha-" I started. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. 

"Uh, yeah!" I said smiling. Then the unthinkable happened, he came right up close to me, legit nose to nose, and kissed me softly. I know there was a crowd watching but it was so perfect I never wanted that moment to end.


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