Chapter Six

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"Maddie is probably going to break your face when she sees you.." Alli said to me.

"Yeah right. She won't break it, she'll kiss it because she is so honored to have a song about her." I said sarcastically. Alli's prediction seemed more realistic whereas mine was what I dreamed would happen.

"Good luck with that." Alli smirked.

"Thanks." I said smiling back at her.

"I didn't mean it in that way!" She yelled as I got out of the car and headed into our house. Australia was home, but honestly, it felt nothing like it. Everything was in different places than it was in our house normally so I didn't like being there much. But I wasn't there much since I was always with friends.

"JT!" I said as I walked up to Jake.

"Simpson, long time, just kidding. Two months." He said and we both laughed. We kind of just talked about random stuff. How everyone was in our families, what the plans were for the next month and a half I was going to be here. My fans were upset that I wasn't going to be in the same time zone as them so my tweeting hours would be off but I had someone taking care of that.

"So, I saw the tweet mate." Jake said. Oh god.

"Yeah, how do you think she took it?" I asked nervously.

"I dunno. She could be pissed, could be happy, could be a little bit of both." Jake stated. He could say that again.

"I want to go see her but Alli said she was going to punch me in the face, and well, this is the money." I said as I pointed up to my face. But I cracked and started laughing along with Jake.

"Go see her. Might as well now. We're having that bon-fire on the beach later and she's gonna be there. Do it in the daylight, then she can hit you where she-" I cut him off.

"She's not going to hit me!" I said.

"Cody, Alli knows her like the back of her hand, she's going to hit you." Jake said nodding his head. I waved him off and grabbed my skateboard. I got to Maddie's mom's house and hit the doorbell. Was that a clock and trumpets? Terrible.

"Cody!" Anna, Maddie's eight year old sister screamed as I appeared.

"Shhh!" I whispered to her.

"Sorry." She whispered back. I got Maddie flowers, I know, so cliche but I wanted her to love me.

"Oh give me a hug." I said and she jumped into my arms. She was adorable. She looked just like Maddie. Same beautiful brown eyes.

*Maddie's P.O.V*

"Why does he even like me? I'm so bland. Like toast with no butter. Gross burnt toast. I have straight brown hair that hates to curl and requires a whole can of hairspray, my eyes are the color of mud, my fingers are too long, my feet are too big, my legs are too skinny.. why me?"I asked myself as I looked in the mirror. I was using some qualities that a girl would love to have, to make myself sound ugly. But really, why me? Every girl in the United States, okay not every girl but over two million girls, want to marry him and get in his pants. Why does he pick me, his life long best friend? It just didn't make sense. Nicole and I were separated by a few years but we got along well. I told her the situation and she looked at me, her wavy blonde hair just glowing, where did she get blonde hair? I was so jealous, she hated it though.

"Maddie, he really loves you." She said, for a thirteen year old, she was pretty mature.

"Nicole, it's just, we never see each other and it would be so hard not seeing him everyday." I said, feeling lumps form in my throat. That had been happen lately whenever I talked about Cody. First the lumps in my throat then a large amount of sobbing that I did in the privacy of my room.

Finding Mr. Perfect: A Cody Simpson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now