Chapter Two: Engaged and Enraged

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"Excitement always leads to tears."
-Arundhati Roy

"Welcome home Lord Davensport." The servants chorused.

Damian smiled and patted Oscar's back, the old man took his coat and folded it neatly into his arm.

"Damian my boy," Duke Vincent's voice rang across the hall, "so good to have you back." He hugged his son and was clearly happy to see him again.

"It is wonderful to be home, father." His eyes turned and he smiled even more, "Mother, you have not aged a day."

Duchess Lucille hugged her son as well, "Oh Damian, I do miss your annoying banters."

Emelia stared at the family's reunion, they looked like a happy family. Damian inherited his father's blonde hair and eyes but it was Lucille's features that he took after. The straight aqualine nose, thin petulant mouth and high cheek bones. Damian was more beautiful than handsome, he had a feminine look but still very masculine. It was an odd combination but he looked gorgeous.

Emelia noticed how much he changed since they last saw each other. He still had that confident stride and carefree smile, but he had grown bulkier. His arms thick with muscle, his jaw showed a thin stubble and his voice much more deeper. She wondered what else changed in him.

"How was your journey son?" Vincent asked.

"Tiring. I wanted to rent a room at Dallswick but I figured it's better I rest here."

"I see. You go ahead and freshen up, we'll have breakfast in a moment." Lucille told him.

"Of course. Thank you mother." he leaned and kissed her cheek.

Em remembered those lips. How soft and warm they were when he kissed her. Will it be the same? Soft,warm and sweet?

Out of habit, she reached for her own mouth and touched them with her hand. Will the master remember her? Of what they used to be? Or will he not?

His parents have moved away from the door when his attention was suddenly called back, Oscar was calling to him and was pointing at the carriage.

Sam and Em craned their necks to see what it was about, Oscar had opened the door wider so they could now see the carriage. Damian opened the door and was making motions with his head like he was talking to someone. Finally, he stepped back and a pale hand came into view. Damian took it and pulled out a beautiful woman into the sunshine.

Emelia narrowed her eyes, the woman was not familiar. She was obviously not one of the ladies that the Duchess is friends with. In fact, she looked like she was from another place. Her hair was styled differently, her dress was pretty but designed not the way the people of Hinley wore their clothes. Even her manner of simply standing there gave an air or something foreign.

Damian escorted her inside and introduced her to his parents, "May I present Lady Lydia Warrick. Meet my parents, Duke Vincent and Duchess Lucille."

Lydia smiled at Lucille and Vincent before dropping into a curtsey, "Pleased to meet You Your Grace," she curtsied first to him, "and your Grace" was addressed to his wife.

"The pleasure is ours Lady Warrick, so kind of you to accept our invitation." Lucille said.

"It has always been my dream to see Hinley, mother and father were so happy when they received your letter."

Emelia watched as the Lady conversed with their mistress. How she carried her self, how polite and kind her speech was and how she effortlessly made them like her. Emelia envied her. It took one look to understand who she was. Not just a highborn, but definitely, very close to Damian.

The girls leaned in further to hear better. No one has noticed their presence just yet. Sam was also staring boldly at the newcomer. More pleasantries were exchange until the Duchess said, "I'm sure they would love to let you visit dear, after all, you and Damian are now engaged."

The world must've stopped spinning. Their words grew distant and Emelia was no longer hearing them. The Duchess' words rang into her ears again and again.


Damian and Lady Lydia.

Oh God.

He brought home his fiancee.

Samantha was so intent into eavesdropping that she failed to notice Em's silence. Even when she slid away and went back outside, no one paid attention to her. Her foot continued to walk without direction. She only realized she was back in the laundry area.

The white bedsheet lay untouched, the brownish stain thick and dark. Em knelt down and began soaking it with water, it would take a lot of time to take this off. No amount of scrubbing would be enough, her hands would be sore and blistered. But she did not care. Her heart was hurting so much that she felt so numb outside. Tears trickled down her face and she sobbed with all her might.

By the time Samantha found her, Em managed to dry her eyes and composed her self. The stain had began to fade after several scrubs she's done.

"How long have you been at it?"

Em shrugged, "No idea."

Sam pushed the sheet away and took her hands, "Are you alright Em?"

If she hadn't cried already she would've said No, but now, she wasn't so certain. "I don't know Sam."

"Do you want to lie down? I can take it from here."

Em shook her head, "It's fine. See how the stain is fading, we should work on it while it's still soft."

"Em, you can't just act like everything is fine. I know how you feel about Lord Damian and what happened inside was—"

"—was none of our business." Em snapped at her, "We are servants Sam, we do not indulge ourselves with the matters of our employers."

Sam sighed, "Fine. If this is how you handle your pain, so be it. I offered to take your chores today and you refused it. I am not offering again." She sat across the Em and began soaking the other end of the sheet.

Em smiled at her, "Thanks Sam."

Sam scoffed, "Bloody stubborn."

Em couldn't help but agree with her. She could be so stubborn and she wondered how her friend could stand her at all. Guess it was just her being her, Emelia Rose Roderick. The orphaned scullery maid.

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